To be French or to be free?

To me, the most compelling part of the reading is where it seemed as though the unfree were more concerned with their ties to the French Nation instead of being fully consumed with the sense of wanting to be fully free and independent themselves. It just enlightened me to the extent to which the french had asserted in the minds of these Haitians that to be French was something of prestige and honor which in turn created this sense of a hierarchy. Do other people believe that this tool was equally as important as using violence in order to establish order?

2 thoughts on “To be French or to be free?

  1. You have done a great job of interpreting the reading and its main arguments. You have also posed a provocative question about the influence of the French Nation on the Haitian revolutionaries. I agree that this was a powerful tool that shaped their identity and aspirations. I wonder how the revolution would have been different if they had rejected the French model and embraced their own culture and values.

  2. Thank you for your post, dear. You have done a great job of interpreting the reading and its main arguments. You have also posed a provocative question about the influence of the French Nation on the Haitian revolutionaries. I agree that this was a powerful tool that shaped their identity and aspirations. I wonder how the revolution would have been different if they had rejected the French model and embraced their own culture and values.

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