Purple Rain πŸ’œ

When I was little, I used to go outside when it was pouring rain and soak it all in. Of course, my mom would yell at me for wetting the house, but it was always worth it. Something about a shower by nature was so…cathartic. I probably didn’t stress much at that age but I felt cleansed and whole again afterwards.

As I grew up, I cherished the rain less and less. It became more of a nuisance because my mom was right, itΒ did leave a mess. And on top of that, rainy days are just so gloomy! But today, I had no choice but to cherish it. Because as Abu and I were walking back from dinner, it startedΒ pouring. Like, CSS-texts-you-twice-about-staying-inside levels pouring. Instead of waiting it out like rational people, we decided to sprint it out. I had a frisbee so I thought it would cover me a little at least (spoilers: it didn’t). So here we were, exposed to the torrential downpour, running out of breath, laughing at our stupidity, all our stress washing away. Much needed before finals season. Kinda cathartic!

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