Halfway Done Through Finals ✅ ✅

Just finished my Math final and now I’m done with 2 out of my 4 finals! Due to me signing the honor code, I cannot disclose it’s difficulty and whatnot but I’m glad that it’s over. Not to say that I’m going to immediately forget everything I’ve learned or anything, but now I feel like I switch my brain over to my remaining subjects. Even though classes have been pass/fail, it seems like most people are studying just as much as a normal semester for them. At least, spending the same amount of time — less work could be done due to stress etc. The last couple of nights I’ve been up in the haunted 24 hour room in Sawyer, and have seen different people there each day. We distance ourselves naturally, but it’s reassuring(?) knowing that other people are studying as well because that motivates me. Time to knock out the last two 💪😤


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