
The Gospel is the second and culminating Biblical reading, chosen for its relevance to the festal occasion, and placed near the end of the Fore-Mass, before the Credo (the homily, if offered, would intervene between Gospel and Credo). In the Middle Ages this reading was called evangelium, from the Greek evangelion, meaning “good news,” and always drew from one of the four Gospels to relate an episode from the life of Christ. Special ceremonies often prepared the evangelium, which could include the lighting of a Gospel candle and a procession to bring the Gospel book to the north, or left side. of the altar.

The deacon chanted the Gospel, which began with a brief exchange of greetings and the identification of the Gospel from which the reading came. A simple recitation tone ensured that the words remained paramount. In the rite of Bruges, the Gospel reading for feasts of Confessor Bishops such as St. Donatian was a rather murky passage from the Gospel of Luke (Luke 10: 1-7); Jesus here is giving instructions to his followers as they prepare to go out into the world to prepare His way. In the homily that probably followed the Gospel reading (omitted from this re-enactment), we can only imagine what the celebrant at this commemorative service for Donaes de Moor might have said to connect the lesson of Luke’s Gospel passage to the memory of Donaas and his saintly namesake.

To learn more about the Gospel, see:
Huglo, Michel, and James W. McKinnon. 2001 “Gospel (i).” Grove Music Online. 22 Jul. 2018.   www.grovemusiconline.com