View a reenactment of the Mass for St. Donatian
Featuring the Cappella Pratensis and directed by Rob van den Berg on location in Bruges.
Click on the music note to view the score of the corresponding segment
- Introit: Statuit ei
- Kyrie (Obrecht)
- Kyrie I
- Christe
- Kyrie II
- Kyrie I
- Gloria (Obrecht)
- Et in terra
- Qui tollis
- Collect
- Epistle
- Gradual:
Domine praevenisti - Alleluia: Juravit Dominus
- [Sequence: Dies nobis reparatur]
- Gospel
- Credo (Obrecht)
- Patrem
- Et incarnatus
- Et resurrexit
- Et unam sanctam
- Patrem
Celebration of the Eucharist
- Offertory: Veritas mea
- Organ Interlude: Improvisation
- Secret and Preface
- Sanctus (Obrecht) during Canon
- Sanctus
- Pleni
- Osanna I
- Benedictus
- Osanna II
- Sanctus
- Pater noster with Organ Improvisation
- Agnus Dei (Obrecht)
- Agnus Dei I
- Agnus Dei II
- Agnus Dei III
- Communion: Beatus servus
- Post-Communion
- Ite, Missa est
- Organ Postlude: Improvisation
Love the Mass? Buy the CD/DVD!
The CD and DVD of the complete performance of the St. Donatian Mass, including on-location interviews with performers and music historians,
is available from CHALLENGERECORDSINT.
In North America, try Amazon.
This site will continue to grow, so enjoy the film clips now available and come back soon to experience more of the St. Donatian Mass.