Political Theory

Analysis on the undergirdings- the genealogies and structures- of our current world.

“Confronting the triads of black life/death,” Princeton African American Studies, October 2015.

Critical Thinking, Theorizing, and Political Will ,” in Educating for Critical Consciousness, edited by George Yancey, CRC Press, May 2019.

“The Evolution of (Black) Communal Socialism,” coauthored with K. Kim Holder in An Inheritance for Our Times: Principals and Politics of Democratic Socialism. Gregory Smulewicz-Zucker, Michael J. Thompson, OR Books, 2020.

Radical Philosophy Review, guest editor, “Unfinished Liberation: Policing and Imprisonment,” Vol. 2, No. 3, 2001.

“Life and Other Responsibilities,” Foreword to Death and Other Penalties: Rethinking Prisons and Capital Punishment, Lisa Guenther, Geoffrey Adelsberg, et al. eds. (New York: Fordham University Press, 2015.

Foreword “Liberation Pedagogies,” Olivia Perlow et al., eds. Black Women’s Liberatory  Pedagogies. New York: Palgrave, 2017.

“Activist Scholars or Radical Subjects?” Afterword coauthored with Edmund T. Gordon in Charles Hale, ed., Activist Scholars, University of California Press, 2008.

“‘All Power to the People!’: Hannah Arendt’s Theory of Communicative Power in a Racialized Democracy,” Race and Racism in Continental Philosophy, Robert Bernasconi, ed., Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2003.

“‘Bread and Land’: Fanon’s Native Intellectual,” Afterword for Fanon: A Critical Reader, Lewis Gordon, T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting, Renee White, eds., Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1996.

“African Philosophy, Theory, and ‘Living Thinkers’,” Spirit, Space and Survival: African American Women in (White) Academe, Joy James and Ruth Farmer, eds., New York: Routledge, 1993.

“Cracking the Codes of Black Power Struggles,” with Ahmad Hayes Greene, The Black Scholar, Special Issue: Black Code,” Vol. 47. No. 3, 2017.

“’Concerning Violence’: Frantz Fanon’s Rebel Intellectual in Search of a Black Cyborg,” South Atlantic Quarterly 112:1, Duke University Press 2013.

“Politicizing the Spirit: American Africanisms and African Ancestors in the Essays of Toni Morrison,” Cultural Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2, Spring 1995.

“AfraRealism and the Black Matrix,” Special Issue on the Role of Black Philosophy, The Black Scholar, Vol. 43. No.4, 2013.

“Lessons from the Past: Black Activism in the Revolutionary Era,” The North Star, 2019.

“Black Feminism in Liberation Limbos” in Existence in Black: An Anthology of Black   Existential Philosophy, Lewis Gordon, ed., New York: Routledge, 1996.

Seeking the Beloved Community: A Feminist Race Reader, SUNY Press, 2013.