Literary Theory
Transcending the Talented Tenth: Black Leaders and American Intellectuals, New York: Routledge, 1997.
“Harlem Hospitality and Political History: Malcolm X and Fidel Castro at the Hotel Theresa: A Review of Rosemarie Mealy’s Fidel and Malcolm X,” Contributions in Black Studies, No. 12, 1994.
“Leadership,” Keywords for Radicals, Kelley Fritsch, et al., eds., NY: AK Press, 2015.
“The Academic Addict,” What White Looks Like: African-American Philosophers on the Whiteness Question, Geoge Yancy, ed., New York: Routledge, 2004.
“The Politics of Language and of Law: Racism, Resistance and the UN Treaty on Genocide,” Marxism in the postmodern age: confronting the new world order, Antonio Callari, Carole Biewener, Stephen Cullenberg, eds., New York: Guilford Press, 1994.
“Sorrow, Tears, and Blood”: Black Leadership, Fractionation and the Talented Tenth, Viewpoint, January 2015.
“The Talented Tenth,” Johnella Butler, ed., Encyclopedia of American Studies, Bethel, CT: Grolier Publishing, 2000.
“Black Revolutionary Icons and ‘NeoSlave Narratives’,” Social Identities, Spring 1999.
“Reflections on Teaching: ‘Gender, Race, and Class’,” Feminist Teacher Vol.5, No.3, Spring 1991.
“W. E. B. Du Bois: Twentieth Century ‘Radical Prophet’,” Johnella Butler, ed., Encyclopedia of American Studies, Bethel, CT: Grolier Publishing, 2000.