John Adams – “A Firm and Enlightened Patriot”

For Adams Video Explanation

 Overall intent and reasoning:

Adams became fairly unpopular by the end of his Presidency due in large part to the passing of the Alien and Sedition Acts. Yet he was still viewed as being less partisan than a Republican Jefferson; to vote for a Republican would have been considered admitting to factions. Moreover to many, especially Federalists, he did a good job handling the “Quasi War” with the French. To that extent, I sought to combine broad positive statements about Adams with a specific progression of how he successfully stood up to the French attempts to overrun America. For one of my other classes, I had to read the book Air Wars by Darrell West, which detailed the intricacies of campaign advertising. In the book, he stated that the most effective positive campaign strategies were “priming”, or playing up issues a candidate is strong on, as well as using general character statements to try and paint a candidate in a good subjective light.

Slide 1: Gazette of the United States 1800- quote from an editorial piece stating Adams is a “genuine American”. Just a nice positive quote to kick off the video and get the viewer in a good mind set to receive the coming info and Adams. Also helpful in that there was some criticism that Adams was “monarchist” so this quote plays in the other direction. Blue letters to display positivity

Slide 2: the Aurora was a Republican leaning newspaper, and this excerpt was re-published in the Gazette of the United States, a Federalist paper. It illustrates Adams’ desire to avoid factions and stay united, and also spins the Republicans as believing the United States was divided- something many weren’t ready to admit at that time. Image one of Adams bald, without a wig on, to make hims more regular. White letters to indicate positivity

Slide 3: Introducing the French as people who can’t be trusted, always sneaky and disloyal by having an image of Citizen Gennett with Washington looking bigger and firmer than Gennett. Like America looking down on France who is trying to pull a fast one on us. Quote is taken from an Adams 1798 address in response to XYZ affair. Illustrates the beginning of the real tensions with France and how precarious things were. Red letter to signify negativity/seriousness

Slide 4: another quote from 1798 to indicate how dire the situation was with the French. Also, taken from a newspaper invocation to the people from Adams- shows him as someone who appeals directly to the people. Image is a British Poltical cartoon showing how the French were trying to violate our rights of commerce by force and impression. Satirizes how extremely “property is protected by the French” Red lettering to signify negativity/seriousness.


Slide 5: this excerpt is drawn from the Act in which Adams sanctioned the strengthening of the Navy in 1799 in response to the threat of the French. Shows how he took action

and stood up to the French, not sat back on his heels. The picture is of what was at the time the new Congressional building. By emphasizing this building it emphasizes to viewers who would have been critical of the Navy that it was not just Adams, but also Congress who authorized it. Also, the image pans from the dark clouds to the light, emphasizing that Adams actions were ensuring the safety and happiness of America.

Slide 6: This next quote, taken from the Gazette of the United States is by the Speakers of the House and Senate respectively. They’re thanking Adams in 1799 completes the progression of the 4 slides. First the nation was in trouble, then Adams took action, then Congress is thanking him for saving the nation essentially. Also, the picture is of the Jacobin Hall which is supposed to portray what Congress could have become if Adams hadn’t taken the steps he had.


Slide 7: After progression of the specific actions Adams took to defend America against the French, I wanted to seal the ad up with more subjective broad language to just re-emphasize the impression the viewer should have of Adams after watching the clip. The quote is from a toast made by citizens of Newbury NY. Once again, showing how Adams connected with common people, not just aristocrats.

Slide 8: Great quote directly from Adams to end it. Almost as if he’s making a personal affirmation to the people of his patriotism and willingness to serve honestly in the best interest of the people.

Music: Positive upbeat music for a positive ad. This is a song that was a Revolutionary song- meant to connect Adams as being as Patriotic and connected with the Revolution as any of the other notable American leaders.

Quote and Image Sources

Slide 1- Gazette of the United States 1800

Slide 2: excerpt from the Aurora, placed in Gazette of USA


slide 3: image:,-April-19th-1793.html&docid=tN9feKIQO6JzFM&imgurl=,-April-19th-1793.jpg&w=400&h=600&ei=YT9NT46vBOf30gGFyuC0Aw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=248&vpy=151&dur=1686&hovh=275&hovw=183&tx=47&ty=144&sig=105650357505083963534&page=1&tbnh=150&tbnw=100&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0


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Image: Club

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