Current Thesis Students
Sam Alterman
Sam is a Senior at Williams studying environmental-assisted quantum transport and investigating its role in efficient energy transport in photosynthetic proteins with Professor Strauch. Outside of Gedanken Lab, Sam enjoys cooking, hiking, bad puns, and singing with the Aristocows, Williams’ only all-Disney a cappella group.
Ellery Galvin
Ellery is an honors physics thesis student working with Professor Singh. Her thesis aims to numerically model laser cooling schemes with Monte Carlo Wave Functions. Apart from her aspirations to attend physics graduate school, Ellery hopes to publish a new career readiness curriculum, and to continue musical conducting. She enjoys slacklining, photography, and letter writing.
2017-2018 Students
Skylar Chaney
Skylar is an off-cycle Junior at Williams, who is studying quantum computing simulators (primarily Microsoft’s LIQUi|>) and using them to model Shor’s Algorithm, Schur’s Transform, and modified algorithms based on Schur’s Transform with Professor Strauch. When not in the Gedanken Lab, she loves hiking and biking in the Berkshires, visiting her family in NC, and surfing along the East Coast.
Qiyuan Hu
Qiyuan, a sophomore at Williams, is studying gravitational wave perturbation from pulsars and evaluating how they can be detected using different acoustic modes of superfluid helium with Professor Singh. Outside the classroom, he loves playing badminton and works as a tutor at MSRC.
Mariam Ughrelidze
Mariam is a Rising Sophomore. She is working with Professor Strauch to understand the errors that could occur in various channels of a quantum computer and calculate the Diamond Norm, the distance between these channels. Outside of the lab she likes to read and watch science fiction, listen to Pink Floyd, and practice tennis or gymnastics.
Joshua Reynolds
Josh is a freshman working with Dr. Singh in the area of levitated optomechanics. He is investigating the cause of particle loss from lasers traps as these systems are brought to high vacuum. Outside of the lab, he plays bass guitar and enjoys running and surfing.