I will be speaking about my work on the quantum mechanics of superconducting circuits—all are welcome! [Update: Slides can be found here]
Entanglement: Schrödinger’s Quirky Quantum Conundrum
In quantum mechanics, one can have complete knowledge of the whole but complete ignorance of the parts. This phenomenon, famously discovered by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen, was subsequently christened entanglement by Schrödinger. This first talk will introduce this quirky phenomenon and its application to quantum communication, cryptography, computing, and experimental metaphysics.
November 17, 2011 at 4:30pm in Wege Auditorium.
Entangled quantum cubes, from F. A. Wolf, Taking the Quantum Leap
Entanglement in Superconducting Quantum Circuits
Superconducting circuits can be used to control electrical signals at the level of single quanta. Such devices have shown energy level quantization, superposition of states, and may one day serve as quantum bits (qubits) in a large-scale quantum computer. This second talk will describe my research in the design and study of multi-qubit entanglement in superconducting circuits.