I am a theoretical physicist specializing in the design and study of “artificial atoms” made of superconducting devices operating in the quantum limit at very low temperatures and with very low electrical noise. My other interests include quantum computing with ultracold neutral atoms, quantum computing algorithms, and computational and mathematical physics in general. The common focus of my work is to develop methods to efficiently and robustly store, transfer, and manipulate quantum information using simple, experimentally accessible control protocols. I am currently working on the design of “artificial solids” capable of demonstrating novel quantum transport, with potential application in quantum computers.
Scientific Talks and Publications
- Research Corporation, “Efficient Quantum Routing in Superconducting Qubit Networks” (2009-2010)
- National Science Foundation, “Control and Measurement of Coupled Mesoscopic Quantum Systems” (2010-current) with Kurt Jacobs, UMass Boston
Senior Thesis Students
- Teng Jian Khoo, 2008-2009, “Disorder, Localization, and Decay in Quantum Walks” (Cambridge University)
- Chris Chudzicki, 2009-2010, “Parallel Distribution of Entanglement on Hypercube Networks” (MIT), LeRoy Apker Award 2010
- Steven R. Jackson, 2009-2010, “Localization of Quantum Walks on Trees with Disorder” (Princeton University)
- Samyam Rajbhandari, 2010-2011, “Robust encodings for a dephased Quantum Walk on the Ring” (Ohio State University)
Student Research
- Anne Marie Forney, Gettysburg College, Spring 2008 (NIST, Georgetown)
- Hai Zhou, Summer 2008
- Ben Athiwaratkun, Summer 2009
- Douglas Onyango, Summer 2009
- Qiao Zhang, Summer 2009
- Samyam Rajbhandari, Summer 2009
Useful Links
- Quantum Computing 101 (IQC at Waterloo)
- NIST-UMD Joint Quantum Institute
- Schoelkopf Lab, Yale University
- Martinis Group, UCSB
- ScienceDaily: Quantum Computer News
- Virtual Journal of Quantum Information
- arXiv.org > quant-ph
- Controlling the Quantum World, The National Academies Press
- A Federal Vision for Quantum Information Science
- Principles of Effective Research, by Michael Nielsen
- What’s Wrong with these Equations?, by David Mermin