Meet Our Experts: Faculty and Staff Affiliates Ready to Collaborate

Each affiliate brings a unique set of skills and insights, spanning various disciplines that enrich our mission. From environmental law to scientific research, and policy analysis, our faculty are at the forefront of environmental justice, dedicating their expertise to support communities and nurture student learning.

Below, you will find a directory of our affiliates, including their names, areas of specialization, and contact information. We encourage students, communities, and fellow researchers to reach out, engage in dialogue, and explore potential collaborations. Together, we can create impactful change and drive forward the cause of environmental justice.

James Manigault-Bryant

Co-Director, Environmental History

José Antonio Constantine

Co-Director, Environmental Science

Anthony Carrasquillo

Environmental Chemistry

Sarah Jacobson

Environmental Economics

Laura Martin

Environmental History

Brittany Meché

Environmental Geography

Jay Racela

Environmental Science

Edgar Sandoval

Environmental Geography

For inquiries or to learn more about how you can work with our experts, please do not hesitate to contact any of our affiliates directly through the provided contact information. Let's harness the power of collective expertise to advocate for a healthier, more equitable world.