Hank Art – Faculty Chair
Jessica Clark – Student Co Chair
– All attendees introduce themselves.
– Finding a new meeting time to avoid collisions with various sports events / practices
+ send Jessica (10jdc) your availability
– Want to make the meeting minutes public.
+ CSW volunteers/is volunteered as scribe and web master
* CSW to add current membership to wiki (to get list from Jessica)
– we have no firstyear students (due to timing of nominations). Can we get some (we should ask college council. Who will take care of that?)
– what is the status of CEAC? No longer ad hoc, now ‘other’
+ we need to get our status and membership clarified
– note : most of past CEAC work has been done via small committees
+ sub-committees meet more often and not at times that full CEAC meets
+ sub-committees make recommendations to the main committee
– we have no clear report, so we report to whomever we feel its appropriate for any given topic
– there are lots of people, orgs, and entities on campus involved in green/envi issues. It would be good to list them all, and to clarify our relationship to them
+ (see handout for list so far)
+ Stephanie proposes adding an official ZC rep to CEAC
+ one role of CEAC is a forum for different campus groups to communicate with each other
– Hank sent an email to FSC asking for clarification about our status
+ one proposal: one of our main year goals is clarifying our status
– work for this year
+ review of past committees & work
+ general procedure of inviting various relevant parties to CEAC for discussion about their areas
+ NOTE: last year a main piece of work was our proposed building policy. We might want to follow up to find the status of it.
* Chairs to follow up on this with Provost and VP of Ops
* Stephanie to post a copy of the proposal to the wiki
+ proposal to add food as a CEAC subcommittee
* Laurie & Gayle & Bob (& others?) to work on this in November
+ wind – Chris expresses interest, Stephanie gives some info about current renewable energy plans for campus
* wind is a delicate topic, some concerns creating road blocks
* responsibility to be pushed to ZC from CEAC
? what are all the issues ZC is working on?
+ see ZC web site – Stephanie gives a tour
* emissions reductions
* more bike racks on campus (looking to expand what we’re doingon transportation)
* recycling – all our paper can now be thrown in the same container. We’re looking for a waste management company to work with us.
# working with facilities & dining
* new person working on sust food
* green campus living marketing (miranda)
– Stephanie proposes more work / focus on athletics
* ZC has an initial meeting with them, Stephanie invites a CEAC member to join/attend
– Stephanie proposes that developing a purchasing policy would be a good job for CEAC
? Is there a way for CEAC to become involved in some of the master planning that other depts are doing?
+ e.g. what is CEACs involvement in facilities discussion of moving to a different building
+ we may have more ability to implement policies rather than get involved in particular planning projects
– ZC is working with CC to make sure student groups can do approp printing
+ next year student orgs will have to pay for all printing
– CC wants CEAC to come up with the paper allotment for Spring semester
+ ZC will come up with some printing stats in the next couple of weeks