CEAC 2009/05/06
John Kleiner
Molly Gues
Ngondizashe Munemo
Sarah Gardener
Ken Jensen
Amy Johns
Chris Warren
Hank Art
Cesar Silva
Stephanie Boyd
Ed Gollin
Sub-committee Summaries
Amy gave a quick report, no other sub-committees did
For next year
- Get web site more active
Hank – got an email from CC asking about what students we need. What do we say?
? Is the official committee makeup posted anywhere?
- looks like it’s on the web site
Looks like we’re supposed to have 4 students, one from each class. Can we get CC to put 4 up, plus a couple alternates?
CC needs to know by tomorrow night. So, any interested students need to contact CC by then.
Some ideas for next year (and Z interns this summer):
- wind at williams
- waste management
- small project sustainability
- making williams bike friendly
- making (bike) commuting easier
Sarah: there are existing bike mechanics that CES pays for, the program could be re-vamped
Ed: we spent much energy this year on building policy. Steve at one point wanted a comparable transportation policy statement. It would be good to have a clearer idea of it’s trajectory before creating such a document.
Amy: it’s important to remember that even if a policy isn’t adopted carte blanche, CEAC bringing it up means that the issue is getting talked about when it otherwise wouldn’t.
John: re transport, the athletics master plan committee may be interested in the transport issues especially w/ regard to eg daily travel.
Stephanie: facilites has recently started a GIS projecct to have a much better map of the campus. This would fit well with some of our projects.
Ken: not only are the students not showing up, the ex officio members aren’t showing up either. One of things that made the buildign policy especially hard was the the people who should have been here working on it didn’t show up (only alternates). Next year the ex-officio members should be encouraged to attend and contribute rather than always sending alternates – even getting them to show up 1/2 the time would be a huge help.
Ed: Perhaps a lunch meeting time would make it easier for some people to make it?
Sarah: What happened to the bus to NY thing that was proposed a while ago?
Answer: budget-killed
We could as a committee suggest that the idea be revived.
Hank: Good set of ideas for next year. Probably start by meeting with various stakeholders, then see what clicks.
Stephanie and John: Good to have an idea going in to the meetings
John: Also, good to have a focus and have something be at stake – meetings should not just be conversation, but should involve some sort of progress on some front.
John: Talking to Athletics master plan is a good idea.
Stephanie: There might also be some foothold to be had in the Stetson-Sawyer project.
Chris: can we gather info about the N&S buildings and give it to other building committees.
John: It would be good to know in general how are we doing with the N&S buildings?
Stephanie: Lack of supervisors for students slows down what the Z center can do. Happy to have other people volunteer to manage them.
Ng: Need to follow up next year on the building policy
Stephanie: The 5 min update on it for now is Stephanie and Diana got it, made a few small language changes (…?), and got back to Bill & Steve about it. Expecting more in a couple of weeks, and should know whether or not they adopt it soon.
Stephanie: Can have Z interns make a report to CEAC early next year.
Amy: One intern this summer will be focusing on landscape management.
For next year, faculty will be Ed, Amy Podmore, and Yoshi (from Econ)A warm thank you and good by to John, Cesar, and Ng!