Category Archives: Journals by asst25

18-1-18 Sai Kung

Today I went with RB and Haley to hike Sai Kung. I wasn’t feeling very good when I woke up, but decided to go anyways. My logic was that we are only in Hong Kong for a little but so … Continue reading

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Sai Kung

Today we travelled from Lingnan to the Eastern tip of Hong Kong, Sai Kung’s East Country Park, and then to the eastern-most tip of the park, Tai Long Wan or Big Wave Bay. All in all, we took two minibuses, … Continue reading

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Jan. 18, 2018: Language and Identity

How does language help to form one’s self-identity? Is language an important marker of cultural identity? If a Caucasian man has the residence permit in HK and knows HK inside out, including speaking Cantonese, and he identifies himself as a Hong Konger, … Continue reading

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Solo Travels

Language is a very beautiful thing, but can also be very complicated. Today I learned a ton about the many different topolects that existed inside of China. (Topolect was a new word for me as well.) I found the questions … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on Solo Travels


The temperature today was really strange. I put on pants this morning because it was a little chilly (60ish), then after class I was roasting (well past 70) and put on shorts, then two hours later I put sweats back … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on 酸梅汤!


It’s difficult not to make all of these entries sound the same – on one hand each day is new and exciting and different, but on the other, they all follow the same template – interesting lecture, thoughtful discussion, tasty … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on 1/18/18

14: noise

Someone suggests that identity is fluid enough an entity to be separate from the confines of language, but my mother tells me I sound different whenever I write to her in English. Her preference for the Chinese written form has … Continue reading

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Day 14

“Did you hear that, ____? English is the most inclusive language!” This is something that I overheard on the train last week. The other party was discussing inclusion in Hong Kong’s international schools, and the teacher said that the school … Continue reading

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18.1.2018 Today’s class focused on language in Hong Kong. Yu Laoshi explained to us the differences between a language vs. dialect vs. topolect vs. accent and the background of the Chinese government’s policy. Then, we talked about our two readings: … Continue reading

Posted in Journals by asst25 | Comments Off on 18.1.2018

17-1-18 The “Peak” and Happy Valley

What a day. Today was wild from the point that I decided to hike up Victoria Peak with RB, Haley and Professor. Yu. At first I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go or just spend some time relaxing before … Continue reading

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