Category Archives: kyoto-2018

Finally in Kyoto after long flights

This is my first post from Kyoto after long travels. We started the trip at 4:55am on January 10, at Williamstown. My suitcase would scratch and drag against much of the hard ice and gravel on the ground. Dressing warm … Continue reading

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Finally arrived in Kyoto! I left from Williamstown 5 AM yesterday and arrived in Kyoto 6 AM the next day. A travel time of 25 hours. The plane ride from Newark to Narita was the longest one I’ve had: 14 … Continue reading

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Made it to Kyoto!

Today(? I don’t even know anymore) was a long travel day, but we finally made it to Kyoto and it is so amazing to be back! We started out at 5 am in Williamstown and drove to Albany to board … Continue reading

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The great 17 hour nap

After a quite grueling flight, we have finally made it! I don’t know if I’d call it grueling actually, since I basically slept every flight. We left for Albany airport at 4:55am, flew from Albany to Newark, then Newark to … Continue reading

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Two Days, Many Planes

It has been an extremely long and tiring day of travel for us, considering we left Williamstown at 4:55 AM and rode a total of three (!) planes and three vehicles (including the airport shuttle) to arrive in Kyoto. In … Continue reading

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Well, hello all. I apologize for not including a packing or preparing post last night. I was just so excited (and nervous)! We’re currently sitting in the airport in Tokyo waiting for the flight that will take us to Osaka. … Continue reading

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Two days for the price of one

IN-FLIGHT TO NARITA AIRPORT I’m starting this post at the end of our long flight to Narita. We’re expecting turbulence on the way down but I’m glad we’re almost in Japan. I was so excited before we left Williamstown that … Continue reading

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Last post before leaving Williamstown

We are leaving very soon for Kyoto. I have finished packing and hope nothing essential is left behind! This past week has been filled with a lot of reading and research related to both the Artisans we’ll be meeting and … Continue reading

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Leaving soon

There is just a bit less than three hours until I head to the Park St side of Paresky to ride a shuttle to Albany airport! I have finished packing everything, and I have also done some last minute research … Continue reading

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Leaving Tomorrow

We’re leaving tomorrow (well in a few hours, really) and I just finished packing. I am so excited to go back to Kyoto. Earlier this week, I was reflecting and thinking about the neighborhood my host family lives in, the … Continue reading

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