Williams Undergraduate Research Journal


Areas of Study

As the premiere interdisciplinary platform for undergraduate research at Williams, WURJ currently accepts articles in the hard sciences, mathematics (including statistics), social sciences, and humanities. Additionally, all articles must be related to fields covered by one or more academic departments at Williams College. At this time, WURJ is unable to accept submissions in disciplines not represented at the College.

Types of Articles

As of this time, we accept three main types of submissions:

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* Note: some submissions (particularly in the social sciences and humanities) may have good reason to deviate from the guidelines laid out above. If this is the case, please contact us before submitting your article. *


We accept submissions as a Google Doc in Times New Roman 12 pt font, double spaced. The document shouldn't include your name or any other identifying information. All long topic reviews and original research manuscripts should include a brief abstract at the start (100 - 150 words) and all submissions should include a concise and informative title. The title should also act as the name of the file, with appropriate capitalization and underscores in place of spaces (e.g. "The_Title_of_My_Article"). Figures can be included in the body of the text or as an addendum at the end. All submissions should include organized and appropriate citations for your discipline and should have gone through at least initial editing to avoid grammatical and typographical errors. The word counts listed above are general guidelines, but unless explicitly discussed prior to submission, manuscripts should be no longer than 5,000 words, not including the title, abstract, figure captions, methodology, and citations.

If you are unsure about any of these guidelines, please contact us prior to submission.

Peer Review

All submissions to WURJ are subject to a three stage double blind peer review process. After initial submission, all articles will be reviewed by two or more staff editors and returned to the author(s) with comments. After appropriate alterations have been made, the articles can be resubmitted and a new panel of reviewers will provide feedback. This process will be repeated until the article reaches the standards of the primary reviewers. Subsequently, all submissions will be reviewed by an appropriate member of the editorial board for a secondary round of feedback. For the third and final stage of review, all faculty advisors will have the opportunity to read the journal in its entirety and provide comments about individual manuscripts and overall structure. These comments will be used to shape the finalized edition of the journal.”

Submission Form

Please use this form to submit your article.