October 6, 2017

Affiliate Organizations

The Alhambra Consulting Group

The Alhambra Consulting Group is Williams College’s full-service management and strategy consulting firm that provides services pro-bono to Berkshire corporations, public sector groups, and non-profits. They have a total of 12 current clients, and the list is growing.

Alhambra’s mission is to foster economic development and growth in Berkshire County and involve Williams College undergraduates on projects with clients that involve real-world problem-solving. Whether you’re interested in a career in consulting or want to be further involved with the various business and political developments of Berkshire County, Alhambra has opportunities for you.

You can find their website here.

You can also find them on LinkedIn.

If you have any questions feel free to use the contact form on their page, reach out to the WBA board.

Primary Contact:

Nikhil Palanki 

Nikhil is the managing director and founder of the Alhambra Consulting Group. As the managing director, he oversees client relationships and strategy development, provides general advisory and direction for each of the accounts, maintains relationships with Alhambra’s collaborators and faculty advisors, and steers Alhambra towards achieving its mission. Additionally, he directs the compilation and publication of the Alhambra Consulting Journal, Alhambra’s biannual compilation of cases and reports of our work in Berkshire County.

Williams Consulting Club

The Williams Consulting Group seeks to bring together members of the Williams community who are interested
in consulting. The club aims to develop the critical thinking and analytical skills of students by means of
practicing consulting through real-world case examples. To promote awareness and stimulate interest in
consulting, the club will become a resource for information about the industry and provide support for students
who wish to pursue a career as a consultant. All in all, the Group will foster a community of both alumni in the
industry and current students interested in consulting and provide a space and means for interaction between
the two groups.

Primary Contact:

Prem Wadhwani

Prem is the founder of the Consulting Club, and a current junior at Williams College.

Williams Investing Club

The Williams Investment Club was created with the goal of teaching students basic investment skills and promoting discussion related to finance. The club is achieving these goals by hosting a weekly meeting in which club leaders present on technical topics and creating sector teams that focus on specific industries with the ultimate goal of pitching stocks to the club.

Primary Contacts:

Hank Lee & Sam Stark

Women in Business

Women in Business is a student-run organization for female-identifying folks to learn about, engage in, and be competitive in the recruiting process for various business industries. Programming includes female speaker events, off-campus conferences, an upperclassman and underclassman mentorship program, a stock pitch competition and more! This group is open to all levels of interest in any business field and meets once every two weeks.

Primary Contacts:

Stephanie Li & Betty Chen


Kinetic is Williams College’s social entrepreneurship group. Students in the organization are grouped into teams to research a pressing social issue in our Berkshire community such as food insecurity and the opioid epidemic. Kinetic teams design and implement self-sustaining programs to help mitigate the problem, both by pioneering new programs and by working with community leaders to expand existing resources. As one of many colleges with Kinetic groups, Williams students are connected to a vast network of mentors and fellow students and have successfully implemented numerous programs since the organization’s founding in 2012.

Here is a link to their website: kineticglobal.org

Primary Contact: 

Zachary Brand