Author Archives: vista

Immigrants’ Day in the Berkshires

On October 19th 2013, Vista volunteered in the  9th annual Immigrants’ Day in the Berkshires. This event celebrates the diversity of culture as well as the accomplishments of the immigrant through a variety of multicultural activities and performances. Immigrants’ Day is meant to bring people together to honor the contributions of the immigrant community as well as provide information about the resources available in the Berkshire area.

Vista Rallies for Immigration Reform

On October 5th of 2013 , Vista took part in the national movement for Immigration Dignity and Respect. Hundreds of people, including a substantial amount of our immigrant community as well as faith, labor, and civil rights organizations, came together and rallied in over 40 cities across the United States. The rallies were meant to increase pressure on Congress to pass a comprehensive immigration reform for this 2013 year that includes a pathway to citizenship.

One of our own Vista board member, Danny Zarate ’15, was interviewed by two newspaper sources. Her story was shared in and an empowering photograph of her was featured in a NY Times article. Feel free to check them out in the following links:



National Day for Dignity and Respect: Stand Together for Immigration Reform Rally

Mission Statement

The purpose of Vista is to provide a network of support and community for Latinos/as and Allies at Williams College. Vista provides a space for its members to express their concerns regarding the college community and their academics. Vista members also organize to have conversations about important political, social, and personal issues that are relevant to their lives and the Latino/a community at large. By hosting and funding events that encourage learning of the Latino/a culture, Vista also seeks to provide ways in which the student body at Williams College can attain a better understanding of social, political and cultural traditions inherent in our Latino heritage. Additionally, Vista serves as a mechanism that students can use to become more engaged in the national and global effort to improve the condition of all the peoples of the Latino/a diaspora.