Work in Progress Response

So because I was in the box, I was not checking my phone and as a result my two guests ended up going to Spencer Art Building. Somewhere at the intersection of my shows usually being there and me referring to it as a gallery of performance work, meant they spent the afternoon wandering around that cavernous hanger on the other side of campus. Here are my impressions from my perspective.

First of all, for me personally, given my perspective in relation to the exhibit itself, it was really interesting to see the way in which people moved about the space. There was definitely a lot hesitancy, a sort of dance around both the box and the pieces in general. I would say one of the most interesting moments was when everyone stopped in their places to watch Kimmy’s performance. I couldn’t even see the performance but I could also see the way in which people as I moved to look around at them through the holes in the box people would look back or I would catch them looking at the box in relation to Kimmy’s performance.

Also, much like sheep, people very much had to be lead to put their head in the box. I think there was this consistent issue of choice and in fact people really only did what they were compelled to do. Through the holes I could keep track of people who did and did not participate in the box and I think there is a lesson to be learned here about guiding. When you make something the only thing you can do, people will do it.

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