WIP #1: Reflections

My Thoughts; what worked/didn’t work

  • the whole thing seemed not necessarily too long, but too disjointed and with too much “dead air” in between– there were these awkward lull periods between performances and because the structure was so loose and story line weak, it was hard to keep people; i noticed people leaving throughout the event
  • it was better when we gave people things to do than let them just do whatever because many would get confused and didn’t feel comfortable participating; the things that invited people (enter here, drink this, etc) worked well; also things where we directed them without words created a similar, open environment
  • people were confused about “the point” or the general motifs or “story” of the show; I think there needs to be more cohesion or at least natural transitions
  • In doing Carina’s juxtapositions, it didn’t go as quickly as we wanted because we had to go through one door–perhaps if we were to do it again, we’d fine 2-3 routes we could take people into the same space so there is less waiting around inside the gallery space
  • people were gathering around the david carter reading–i wished we’d had a picnic blanket or something
  • I think we made an good event given the little time we had to put it all together, but more time would have proabably helped with cohesion.

Friend’s Reflections; what worked/didn’t work

  • Bailey’s box was strange and weird, and one person liked the piece (and in general likes the pieces that made them feel a bit disoriented and uncomfortable); my other friend was freaked out by it and did not want to be fed bread
  • They both liked being led and blindfolded into the space with music and clapping
  • The student films felt very “student filmy”– they did not particularly like sitting and watching videos or the genesis room
  • the Syrian Refugee Crisis was confusing–they weren’t sure what they were watching, and because it wasn’t on the schedule, they were confused if it was a part of another performance
  • there was an awkward lull after many of the performances where they didn’t know what to do (and neither did we, it seemed), so perhaps more clarity and intention would help in the future
  • favorites were omar’s slam poetry, law and order, carina’s juxtapositions, david carter story, bread box (one person)
  • Kimmy’s piece didn’t really resonate with one person ( I think the new viewing circumstances may have affected the impact), and the albinism seemed strange and out of place for the other person.
  • Thought the federalist papers piece was uncomfortable in the bad way because people were just speaking over each other and they didn’t see the point in the whole of the show
  • The gallery showing was too long. One person wholy preferred the live performances to the gallery showing, the other liked the gallery too.
  • they could not find a connection between the pieces and did not know how they were related
  • In general, they both thought it was a really cool experience
  • One person thought the show was too long


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