Keep it leave it want it

Keep it

I really liked the beginning of the performance, and I’d love to continue in that vein, with the audience taking up the space in a non-traditional way (standing and traveling through it) but perhaps with more direction (that can still be implicit). A lot of the work that resonated with me and seems to resonate with the audience is the things presented in darkness/ alone/ blindfolded, a theme we wanted to explore more. Perhaps we should play with having more darkness in the room and introducing light to exhibit important things (spotlighting a performance, a video playing on the wall, a flashlight that lights up). This would tie into themes of failure and audience surrender as well.

Leave it

I think we should abandon the museum structure in favor of more continuity/ narrative. There could still be museum-like portions, (partitioned into corridors?) but perhaps they would be more thematically grouped and evenly separated by performance moments, and we (the performers) wouldn’t be present beyond an art installation capacity (Bailey in the box, for example).

Want it

It seems that a lot of the kind of work we’re interested in presenting calls for dynamic space, in that we want to have corridors and large spaces and cramped spaces. That being said, I think it could be really cool to have moving walls, like cloth hanging down that’s on wheels so we could change the shape of the space throughout the performance really easily and still stage it all in one place. This could also be used to sort of herd the audience in a specific direction without having to explicitly tell them where to go or what to do.

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