Reflect + Write (Omar)

Surrendering Agency

  • Bailey (Show Don’t Tell) ~ Submitting ourselves to part of his human farming scheme.
  • Carina (Juxtapositons)
  • Kimmy (5 Senses) ~ Literally signing away our rights
  • Any performance where we voluntarily closed our eyes or deprived ourselves of our full senses ~ there were many!

Deletion ~ How do we erase or fail to acknowledge?

  • John (5/50) ~ Backwards writing
  • Paige (5/50) ~ Strikethrough vs. removal
  • Phoebe (Show Don’t Tell) ~ Corruption of original memories
  • Sarah (Show Don’t Tell) ~ Use of pseudonyms (like Publius)

Dragon Tales, Dragon Tales

  • Molly (Show Don’t Tell) ~ Beyond borders, there be dragons
  • Bailey (5/50) ~ “Brothers” contained a picture of a dragon
  • Omar (5/50) ~ patron dragon of an Osaka ramen restaurant
  • Sara (5/50) ~ King Arthur imagery tied to European myths of dragons
  • Phoebe (Juxtapositions) ~ Pokemon cards ft. dragons
  • John (5/50) ~ “I wish, I wish…” with all my heart…

Works I Found Striking

Gabrielle’s 5/50 Letter Scramble ~ a microcosm for the devising process as a whole, where different viewpoints make for radically different interpretations of basic components.

Bailey’s Show Don’t Tell feeding trough ~ A fascinating juxtaposition between a scenario that’s intellectually absurd and comical, but also instinctively terrifying.

Molly’s Show Don’t Tell map ~ One of the presentations that directly challenged us as audience members to convert our experience into “art.”

David’s ELI5 on Gregor MacGregor ~ I personally just found the saga of history’s biggest con-man to be hilarious.

Personal Works That Stand Out

Juxtaposition (Enraged Edibles) ~ What started out as a (culturally insensitive?) satire of slam poetry ended up evoking some very real latent anger.

Show Don’t Tell (Don’t Drop the Beet) ~ The brevity of the performance was entirely a consequence of my failure to choreograph the battery ~ whether that’s good or not, I cannot say.