Reflect + Write


one of Maddie’s stories: the artwork with arrows, Ghost drawings, and dialogue—all these disparate elements—it was interesting to see where they come together, and the connections were different for each of us

Bailey and the Bruja—childish story, some of the objects were humorous, but also touching. Pop culture to represent this story (the tumblr).

Bailey’s Show Don’t Tell Hiccoughs—such a crazy experience to represent the v simple thing that is hiccoughs

Kimmy’s Sisterhood—maybe I’m just really attached to the SOFTP series, but I loved the way that, for me, the people in the class representing these characters actually just become the characters—these tropes are also us


The audience as the performance—Sarah’s Show Don’t Tell Federalist Papers, my Juxtapositions, Omar’s Show Don’t Tell how to read music

Tension between the literal retelling of a story, and abstracting the story into a concept or experience. Examples of the former: Bailey’s scene from Secret History, Maddie’s Katniss, Gabrielle’s story of the Three Dates, Phoebe’s Harry Potter scene

Examples of the latter—Bailey’s hiccoughs, Gabrielle’s Juxtapositions, my Show Don’t Tell

Bad stick-figure drawings—Sophia’s simple black and white pictures, Maddie’s Ghosts, Kimmy’s FRabies, Phoebe’s cartoons of India

Downward spirals—Paige’s (50 objects), Gabrielle (50 objects), Sophia (50 objects—River)

Maps—John’s Juxtapositions, Sophia’s (50 objects), Molly’s ELI5


Show Don’t Tell—it was really challenging for me to make a piece that could in any way represent the gravity and complexity of the Syrian conflict, and I still feel like there’s a lot of ideas there that I want to explore.

Juxtapositions—what I made felt like the beginning of something that I want to expand on. I felt like this piece failed in the ways that I set out for it, and I want to make it better.