Five Senses: The Central Limit Theorem

Fact:  As your sample size increases to a reasonably large amount, the sample will reach a normal distribution, centered on the mean, regardless of what the actual population distribution looks like.

Sight: A Fractal in Motion

  • Play around with the settings of the fractal generator and see how small shapes can generate fascinating and intricate designs.

Sound: Gradual Symphony

Touch: Harmony


  • NOTE: I was going to take a picture of the sign I made, but I accidentally lost it. So I’ve included a picture of what the braille arrangement was in the event we need to recreate it.
  • A handmade sign in braille that reads (hopefully…) “Harmony”. While each individual bump might feel insignificant or like nothing more than a small pebble in a mound of sand, taken together they create something entirely different and meaningful. They’re a whole lot more than the sum of its individual parts.

Smell: Is This a Febreeze Commercial?


  • Here’s a bunch of gross, sad things that came together and became something entirely different once I joined them together in a mist of clean-smelling, soothing Febreeze.

Taste/Combination: Trail Mix


  • TFW you can’t go to Walmart, so you have to improvise a trail mix by combining different cereals and granola to create a mixture that tastes, sounds, and looks really great!