Compsons Scene: letters between Caddie and Margaret

At a tree in the woods, Margaret is alone and narrates two letters she finds.


Finding a letter Caddie has left for me.



I’m sorry that I didn’t come today to meet you. I feel like such a coward, but I couldn’t face saying the words to you in person. This spot in the woods was our place. It was safe and happy, but it wasn’t real. It’s not a part of the real world we live in. I’m afraid of what will happen if we are ever found out. What happened between us was sinful. We both have to move on.

Please let’s not talk after this. It will be easier that way.



.   .   .



Delivering a letter to the tree, which now has many letters left unread.



This will be the last I write to you. I know you won’t bother coming out to find it.

I saw you in town today with that new man from out of state. You were laughing and flirting with him.

I know you C. You were forcing those smiles. What are you doing? Where did you go?

I found out that there’s something wrong inside me. Something wrong besides the obvious, I mean. I can’t have children. I can’t be with the person I love and I can’t have children. C, I don’t know what’s left for me.

Please come back.

Love Always, M


She burns all the letters and leaves.

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