Reflect + Write (Sophia)

Emerging themes:

  • Being demanding on the “audience” was a feature (in form and content) of most of the performances from the last assignment and most performances we’ve done so far in general. Putting people in total darkness, hand-feeding them, having them read aloud, making them fill out forms, taking them up to high vantage points, etc. Tending towards “immersive theater” which I mentioned on the first day! But how demanding can we be with non-classmates participating?
  • Childhood/nostalgia, as seen in Phoebe’s juxtapositions, Omar’s ELI5 and triptych, Madeline’s “Candysand” and “AAAAA PPPPRINCESS?”, Omar’s “Land Before Time”, David’s “Three Little Pigs” and “Toy Story”, Bailey’s “Spy Kids”, Kimmy’s “Don’t Forget Your Mission (Thanks Yonce)” and “A Summer of Sisterhood”, etc.
  • Eerie atmosphere, as seen in Molly’s triptych, Bailey’s triptych, Bailey’s 5 senses, Carina’s juxtapositions and Bailey’s mask, Gabrielle’s juxtapositions, my cosmic egg (or potato as people were calling it), probably my Gnosticism triptych, etc. In general the most memorable things were either creepy or funny, or both.


Things made by me:

  1. “The Job Hunt of David Carter” – I think there’s a lot more to that story, and I really liked the aesthetic of the Osaka Red Light District combined with the existential dread of not being worthy of hiring. #latecapitalism
  1. “Descent/Ascent” – Again I like the aesthetic I came up with, combined with the performance history significance of the Demeter/Persephone/Hades myth as the initiation rite of the Eleusinian mystery cult… I sense an affinity with Bailey’s 5 senses here.


Things made by others:

  1. Bailey’s triptych – because of the strange experience of being 14 disembodied heads.
  1. Omar’s spoken word (and haiku readings) – because they were so amazingly hilarious and I want to laugh that hard again.
  1. Paige’s juxtapositions – because it engaged with this foundational (to Western culture) story in such an original and nuanced way.

Reflect + Write

Word/Text Art/Play

-John My Father is Secretly A Nudist (5/50)

-Omar Puns (As a form unto themselves)

-Gabrielle’s Letters in Easter, 1996 (5/50)

-Paige “Calling All Nymphets” Lolita (5/50)

-Bailey “Deer” Live Forever (5/50)

-Paige “My OCD Is Not/Is…” Obsessive. Compulsive (5/50)

-Sarah “Youth Man” Peter (5/50)

-Kimmy Five Senses “Sight” and “Sight and Touch”

-John Brail in Five Senses

-Kimmy Posters for Black Panther Party

Romanticized or Perverted Memory

-Bailey “Bailey and the Bruja” (5/50)

-Carina “Titanic” (5/50)

-Gabrielle “Juxtapositions: Love is…”

-Molly Show Don’t Tell “Show me what you found”

-Phoebe Show Don’t Tell Memory

Coping with Mortality

-Bailey “Brothers” (5/50)

-Phoebe “Ouija Board” (5/50)

-Sophia “Cosmogeny” (5/50)

-Carina Show Don’t Tell

-Molly Cremation (5/50)

Thing I Made:

“Wind” and “Blue”

There’s something interesting to me about creating something hypnotic or lulling that is either punctured by the middle finger in “Wind” or just unsettling like the pigment in “Blue.”

“Show Don’t Tell” (and sort-of the quick little piece from Will’s class)

I think they both ended up playing with a performer’s relationship and responsibility to the audience; I like the dance between making the viewers invisible and reaching out to touch them.

Things Other People Made:

David’s Juxtaposition: Quarter Life Crisis with Sophia’s The Story of David Carter.

The combination of the two was so unsettling and incredible, not to mention that I think that the transcript of David’s archive of his performance would make a great monologue.

Carina’s Juxtaposition

The use of the space, the unique way of putting the audience on stage in this exposed compromised way are all things I would really love to see this expanded into a larger piece.

Maddie’s “A combination of cacao powder and sea salt, served on a plastic spoon. Should taste like dirt, blood, and tears.”

That text was brilliant and hilarious and, with that put into my head, tiny taste on a finger tip (much like how you would taste blood, tears and dirt) it made strange even though I could very much identify the salt and the bitterness of the cacao. 

Reflect + Write


  • Love:
    • Gabrielle – 3 Dates and a Wedding (5/50)
    • Paige – Us (5/50)
    • John – You and Me (5/50)
    • Kimmy – A Kiss for the Heart to Grow (5/50)
    • Molly – The Origin of Love (5/50)
    • Maddie – Socks, and Ketchup, and a Golf Field (5/50)
    • John – Hotels Across the Country (Juxtapositions)
    • Molly – The End of the World (Juxtapositions)
    • Gabrielle – Love Is… (Juxtapositions)
    • Paige – Genesis of Love (Juxtapositions)
  • Personal Honesty
    • Paige – Obsessive Compulsive (5/50)
    • Molly – Realizing Tourettes (5/50)
    • Carina – Failure (5/50)
    • David – It Runs in the Family (5/50)
    • David – David’s Quarter-Life Crisis/Panic Attack (Juxtapositions)
  • Memory/Forgetting
    • John – Short-term Memory (5/50)
    • Sarah – Peter (5/50)
    • Gabrielle – Goodnight, Soldier (5/50)
    • Phoebe – ELI5 and Show, Don’t Tell
  • Origin/Childhood/The Beginning of Something
    • Gabrielle – Easter, 1996 (5/50)
    • Molly – The Origin of Love (5/50)
    • Molly – Adam and Eve (5/50)
    • Molly – Suspicious Grapes (5/50)
    • Sophia – Cosmogeny (5/50)
    • Bailey – Brothers (5/50)
    • Molly – Show, Don’t Tell
    • Paige – Genesis of Love (Juxtapositions)
  • Death/The End of Something
    • Sarah – Gram (5/50)
    • Molly – Cremation (5/50)
    • Phoebe – Tip Tap (5/50)
    • Maddie – 5 Senses

2-3 Things I Made:

  • 3 Dates and a Wedding (5/50)
  • Love Is… (Juxtapositions)
  • Albinism (Show, Don’t Tell)

These three objects of mine were most interesting to me because they progressed in order from most to least personal as I became interested in experimenting with truth and playing pretend.

3-5 Things Other People Made:

  • Sophia – Cosmogeny (5/50)
  • Paige – Genesis of Love (Juxtapositions)
  • Molly – The End of the World (Juxtapositions)
  • Jackson – Show, Don’t Tell
  • Bailey – Show, Don’t Tell

To me, these 5 objects all distorted beauty in some way. Sophia’s Cosmogeny was so visually perfect that it was disturbing. Paige’s Genesis of Love took the possibility of romance in the story of Adam and Eve and twinged it with ironic commentary. Molly’s The End of the World combined beauty and sadness. Jackson’s Show, Don’t Tell put us as audience in the strange position of voyeurs and equals in conversation; our vantage point was beautiful but our role was colloquial. Finally, Bailey’s Show, Don’t Tell was like Sophia’s Cosmogeny in that it was aesthetically beautiful to the point of being perverse.

Proposal Ideas

Emerging themes:

  • Many of our works involve audience participation and movement and contribution beyond standing up and singing along; things like Bailey’s bread box, following David around for Show Don’t Tell, arranging Gabrielle’s name, reading the Federalist papers; I think challenging the audience beyond an intellectual “here, watch this and think about it sense” and in more of physical, participation way could be interesting and challenging for us as the creators of the work. à would this become like a workshop?
  • Creations/ the beginning: Sophia’s black/white, Molly’s “The Origin of Love” and “Adam and Eve,” Paige’s “Genesis of Love”
  • Not being able to see (?): Bailey’s masks that were used by Carina as well, the fact that many people chose to have people close their eyes for the five senses project (even though it was unnecessary, Gabrielle’s albino mask, my tactile room, Gabrielle’s waiting room, Bailey’s “Blue” where his eyes are closed
  • Flushing things away: Titanic was flushed, the weird bottle story, bailey’s drinks going down the sink, I think Gram had things going down the sink as well, Glitter down the drain for Peter

Things I made:

  • Video of the sheet: I’m just stuck on this video and the sound of the sheet moving through space, not sure where it fits in to the larger scheme.
  • Tactile Room: Although I don’t think it was well executed, I really liked some aspects of how that turned out, like how it became a communal and fun discovery experience.

Things others made:

  • Kimmy’s Show Don’t Tell: The visual of Kimmy moving across the stage along with the dialogue was just so stunning and very layered.
  • Carina’s Show Don’t Tell: I think the effort she actually had to put in to make it all happen made it seem more visceral
  • Jackson’s Stories for the Five Senses (Recording of Reading the Murder Story): I think the impeccable timing and unexpectedness made this one
  • Paige’s Juxtapositions: Again, her Genesis of Love brought in the unexpected.

Reflect + Write!



*John – Recipe for Love

*Paige – Genesis of Love

*Paige – Lolita

*Gabrielle – Love is

*Gabrielle – 3 Dates

*Kimmy – Love ring image

*Molly – the Origin of Love

*Gabrielle- Flirt video

*Gabrielle – Glovehands McGee

[Creation, or “Firsts”]

*Molly – The Origin of Love

*Paige – Genesis of Love

*Molly – History of Cartography

*Sophia – Cosmogeny objects 1-15

*Kimmy – Ripped from the Womb


  • Gabrielle – Dirt as touch, sight, smell
  • Sophia – Branches for sight
  • Sophia – River objects 1-4
  • Sophia – Descent/Ascent objects 1-3
  • Sophia – Why are you crying? Object 6
  • Bailey – Wind movie
  • Sophia – Wind sound
  • Maddie – Taste: cacao powder and sea salt; “should taste like dirt, blood and tears”
  • John – a picture of the stars


  • Carina – Still Alive/Holy Shit image
  • Bailey – Live Forever objects
  • Phoebe – “And then one morning I woke up and felt alive.”
  • Molly – Cremation story
  • Sarah – Gram story

Things made by others that interest me:

  1. Gabrielle’s “1-2% of 18th century people could read serious books” fact.  We closed our eyes and when we opened them, all but one person’s hands were empty.

  2. Kimmy’s triptych — walking across the stage in slow motion.
  3. Bailey’s triptych in the box!

Response: All three pieces made me think about the concept of being alone TOGETHER or alone whilst in a group — each piece made me feel my own individuality even though I was surrounded by others.

Things made by me that interest me:

  1. Genesis of Love video
  2. Feng Shui triptych

Response: My two most recent pieces interest me most because they make me think about individual voices telling parts of a story (Adam and Eve, fragments) or completing a list (numbers 1-15); they also make me think of encouraging the audience to participate through implicit rather than explicit methods!

Show Don’t Tell – Gregor MacGregor

For context to this post, check out my “Explain like I’m 5” post here.

My triptych had to keep my audience far away from my objects.

Audience perspective of start of show.
First object: Cardboard Sign saying “Journey of the Decade” and Sign-up Sheet.
Secondly, I “sailed across the Atlantic” to the “New World”.
Nobody was there. Where’s Poyais?
A number of fellow colonists perished. I mourned them with a simple grave marker.
Finally I made it back to Europe and tried to warn the others about MacGregor’s schemes. (Wanted poster + Poyais bank note)


“Journey of the Decade” Sign + Sign-up.

Sailing across the sea + subsequent funeral.

Coming back and warning the public about MacGregor.