All posts by John Rodriguez

Story 3: Midnight NYC

Object 1 – Eating Acrobatics

Object 2 – The Train Effect

When I first rode a subway in New York City, I wondered why anyone could – or would – fall asleep onboard. Wouldn’t they miss their stop? Wouldn’t they risk getting pickpocketed? To a foreigner, it may seem strange to sleep in such a high-stakes, high-strung environment. But, a true New Yorker understands that getting rest in the city that never sleeps is a necessity – no, a requirement – if you wish to keep up with its unrelenting pace.

Object 3 – Bloodlines


Object 4 – Double Dutch

New York, New York

A city so great that it got to be named twice. Is that too much? Seems a little aggressive to have the same name twice. In a row.

But I’m not one to talk…

Object 5 – The Big Appple


Object 6 – Musing on Mini-vans

Mini-vans get a bad reputation. Every time you think of them all you see are soccer moms, loud children, messy post-soccer-practice seats, errands, and other banal things. But mini-vans are an untapped source of spontaneity and adventure. All you have to do is get creative and the possibilities are endless. You can achieve whatever you want with a mini-van.

Cross-country road trip? Mini-van.

Late night biscuit run? Mini-van.

Secret 3am rendezvous? Mini-van.

The mini-van: it’s not just for soccer moms anymore.


Object 7 – A Few Lame Jokes

What do you get when you put a biscuit and a mini-van together? A midnight road trip.

Why did the biscuit cross the road? It didn’t. I did.

Three kids walk into the bar… They get kicked out because they’re too young so they go buy biscuits instead.



Part I

She’s a tricky one, New York. You cannot simply wake up one morning and discover that you have become a New Yorker. Of course, she isn’t a picky one – anyone is welcome to become a New Yorker. But, it is by no means an easy task. Becoming one is a matter of feeling. It’s a matter of understanding. It’s a matter of listening.

Do you understand? Yes ____ No ____



Part II

To be a New Yorker means to feel the city coursing through your blood stream. A true New Yorker is everywhere at once – all day, every day. A New Yorker breathes, eats, and sleeps in The City. Even when they are away from the Big Apple, a New Yorker is still within.

In a well-composed essay of 500 words or less, describe how it feels to be away from New York City. Your thoughts should be well-organized, clearly laid out for the reader, and should consist of entirely your own work.


Object 10 – A Terrible Attempt at Recreating a MetroCard


Story 2: Pretty Little Liar

Object 1 – The Story of an LLL

Object 2 – It’s Never the Same

Object 3 – It’s Literally Never the Same


Object 4 – Shreds

Object 5 – The Sound of a Lie

Object 6 – What Makes a Liar

What makes a liar?

That’s a really good question! And one that I don’t really have a good answer for. Or maybe I do, and I’m just not telling you. I guess you’ll never know.

Object 7 – The Face of a Liar

Object 8 – Fortune Teller


Object 9 – The How-To of a Liar

How to be a Successful Liar Without Really Trying.
The Answer? Don’t.

Object 10 – Inside Every House…


Story 1: My Father is Secretly a Nudist

Object 1 – A Sad Attempt at Making a Nude Statue


Object 2 – If My Father Owned a Museum, This Would Be Its Sign


Object 3 – Admission


Object 4 – Nude Descends a Staircase, No. 3


Object 5 – Don’t You Wanna See?

Object 6 – Body Cleanse

Object 7 – Drumroll, Please

Object 8 – Why? Just why?

Son: Father, why is there a naked lady sitting in the middle of our house?
Father: I don’t know, son. Why do you think?
Son: Well, I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking.
Father: I suppose I’m not so sure myself.
Son: Should I ask mom?
Father: I don’t think that’s such a good idea.
Son: Why?
Father: I don’t think she’d like the thought of another woman naked in her house.
Son: Well then, why don’t you just ask her to leave?Father: Me? Ask your mom to leave?
Son: No, father. I meant the naked lady.
Father: Oh, right. Well, I suppose we should.

Object 9 – An Acrostic Poem on Nudity

A Very

Object 10 – A Musing on Being Naked

A musing on being naked written by someone who is currently not naked and really has no desire to be naked.

Being naked is an interesting state of being. You’re completely exposed and yet you’re in a total state of comfort. How is that possible? How can being totally exposed provide total comfort to someone? Maybe it’s the sense of liberation. Of not giving a shit about what anyone else thinks.

Object 11 – Defining Nudity


/nākid/ Adj.

  1. The state of being fully undressed
  2. The state of being fully exposed
  3. The state of being nothing more than yourself
  4. The state of corporal freedom
  5. The state of bodily control