The Five Senses: The Tomb of Eurysaces the Baker

Just outside of the Porta Maggiore, one of the main and few remaining 3rd century Roman gates, is the tomb of Eurysaces the Baker. Made in 50-52 A.D., his tomb is just outside of the city walls making it one of the most coveted and expensive burial spots. He was afforded this luxury due to his immense success as this legendary, celebrity baker.

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Recipe for Cato’s Bread

  • 500g Spelt flour
  • 350ml Water
  • A Pinch of Salt
  • A Splash of Olive Oil

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Mix the spelt flour and the salt in a large bowl. Add a splash of olive oil and then slowly add the water. Mix with your hands until you end up with a dough that is no longer too floury, but also not too sticky. Knead the dough well and form it into a round mound. Lightly score the bread with a knife, diving it into eight. Place your loaf on an oven sheet and find a way to keep the moisture in a contained space around the loaf, for instance cover it with an oven safe bowl. Bake for thirty minutes and then remove the container. Bake for another 15 minutes and test that the bread is done by knocking on the bottom, listening to make sure it sounds hollow.

Allow to cool and serve with honey or olive oil with a pinch of salt.

(Originally found then tweaked from here)

SIGHT – A Room Lit By Candles


TOUCH – Handed a Chunk of Bread


TASTE – Dip it in Sweet or Savory


SMELL – Blow out the Candle, Smell the Smoke



Chanting of the tomb’s inscription “EST HOC MONIMENTVM MARCEI VERGILEI EVRYSACIS PISTORIS REDEMPTORIS APPARET” over recreated Roman music.