Story 4: Short-Term Memory

Object 1 – Ruby Ring


Object 2 – Casual Encounters

Object 3 – Question of the Day

Every morning for the rest of your life, when you wake up you will only remember one thing about your life. What do you choose to remember?


Object  4 – Remember Me, Please

Object 5 – A Picture of the Stars

“Draw me a picture of the stars,” she said. I held her close and promised her I would.

But the next day, I forgot what the stars looked like. And pretty soon, I forgot what she looked like too.

“Draw me a picture of the stars,” I said. She held me close and promised me she would, “You’ll be with them soon.”


Object 6 – The Picture of the Stars


Object 7 – Describing Stars

A list of words to describe the stars:

  • Radiant
  • Glowing
  • Bright
  • Focused
  • Distant
  • Eternal
  • Supernatural
  • Survivors
  • Energy
  • Luminous
  • Contained
  • Explosive
  • Navigators
  • Guides
  • Unattainable
  • Secretive
  • Prescient


Object 8 – I Wish, I Wish

If a shooting star soars through the sky, but no one is around to see it, who gets to keep the wish?


Object 9 – A Thought About Diamonds

What if diamonds are just the pieces of stars long forgotten? And every time we uncover one, we’re bringing back that piece of someone they thought they had lost forever? Wouldn’t that make the universe seem like more of a real place?