Tell me a story. Tell me a story about me.
It’s so much easier to just…..forget.
Tell me a story. Tell me a story about me.
It’s so much easier to just…..forget.
Object 1:
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Object 6:
Object 1:
Object 2:
Object 3:
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Object 5:
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Object 7:
Object 8:
Object 9:
And I watched as my son hit the sea
And I wonder
Is there anyone to blame
But me?
Object 1:
Object 2:
Object 3:
Object 4:
Object 5:
Object 1:
Object 2:
Object 3:
Object 4:
Object 5:
Object 6:
Object 7:
Object 8:
Object 9:
Object 10:
Object 11:
Object 12:
Object 13:
“Mommy, may I count these ducks?”
Object 14:
Object 1:
Object 2:
Object 3:
Object 4:
Object 5:
Object 6:
Object 7:
Object 8:
Object 9:
Object 10:
Object 11:
Object 12:
Object 13:
Object 14:
Object 15:
Object 16:
Object 1: It?
What is ‘IT’ and how do I get it?
Object 2: What is talent, anyway?
Object 3: A lesson in calming the fuck down
Object 4: More questions
Where does unused talent go?
Object 5: Jules Jacobson, looking back.
Thirty years ago, I went to summer camp and I didn’t think I was good at anything. I was a run-of-the-mill kid: liked to be outside, didn’t like to go to school, didn’t have passions or talents of any kind. But then one day at camp they made me get up on stage and do some funny dance — some chicken dance or something…I was mortified. And — I can’t believe I still remember this, it’s been so long…decades…but I remember I heard people start laughing. And I could tell by the uproar that they were laughing with me and not at me… And then I got off the stage and sat back down… and thought, “Maybe, just maybe, I have a little bit of talent”. Back then, I made people laugh. But now? Now I’m a lawyer. Nothing funny about that. At all.
Object 1: The past
Who did we used to be to one another? I can’t remember now.
Object 2: A diagram of our love.
Object 3: Just maybe
Maybe we aren’t so different, you and I.
Object 4: Corinthians
Object 5: Fill in the blanks
I asked her not to leave me but she _____ anyway.
Object 6: Finality
Maybe ‘you’ plus ‘me’ doesn’t have to equal ‘us’ anymore.
Object 1: Three little birds…
Object 2: A belief.
Art chooses us.
Object 3: Googly eyes
Object 4: Big bird
Object 5: Death and the Golden Square
Object 6: Water in glass
Object 7: A love for things, not people.
Sorrow comes to those who love to deeply.
Object 1: What you find when you go looking..
Object 2: Calling All Nymphets
Object 3: Bow and Hat Drive Away
Object 4: So the story goes.
A pre-pubescent particularly precocious pretty piques the interest of an imaginative and intellectual introvert.
Object 5 : Hotels Across the Country
Object 6: One version of the story
“Touch me”, he said.
So she did.
Object 7: The other version.
“Touch me”, she said.
So he did.
Object 8: Little pink bow
Object 9: You know…
Object 10: A man and his daughter walk into a bar..
Object 11: In Her Room
Object 12 : Socks Dance
Object 13 : A Visitor
Object 14 : And the rest was rust and stardust.
Object 15: But…
But love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love is–
Object 16: Girl in Glass
Object 17: List
Bubble gum
Grass stains
Jump rope
Hotel rooms
Object 18: Annabel Lee
Object 19: The playground.
Object 20: LL MM
Object 21: Motives by HH
I’ve taken her away. But not to worry, for I love her. And she, me.
Object 22 : Speaks for itself.
There’s some purity in perversion, too.