Category Archives: 2.0 Minis

Race in Grand Theft Auto V

When playing Grand Theft V, what I became most aware of was that Franklin, one of the main characters, is forced back into a life of crime by those that are supposed to encourage him to get out. In the intro scenes, he is harassed and searched by three officers—one black, one, latino, and one white—but it is the black officer that steals his money, questions his innocence, and antagonizes him the most, even going as far as to accuse him of a crime and drop him off in a rival neighborhood. Also taking place in this scene, the white officer calls Franklin’s taxi driver a “greaseball bastard.” Thus, from these opening scenes, it is apparent that the game is relying on tropes and stereotypes to characterize its characters. Los Santos, while a fictional location, seems to be based on Los Angeles or any other neighborhood in which people of color live in poverty. Criminal activity is often correlated with poverty, so it is no surprised that the game takes place in some of the more poor areas of the city. For various reasons, these areas are populated by people of color and this is definitely reflected in the game. In addition to this Franklin, “the lone player-controlled Black character,” lives a life in which he has never met his father and has lost his mother because of a drug overdose, “[bringing] to life the dominant narrative of Contemporary Black families” (Leornard 130).

The black men that Franklin interacts with in his neighborhood are also gang members. They all appear to be straight and, with the exception of one woman, male. This one woman, dressed in a short skirt and crop top, walks away from an ensuing argument to see her partner. Her clothing, language, and way she is being represented seems to be built off of stereotypes regarding black women. Not only this, but so does the entire game. Franklin is sent on missions with Ryder, another member of his gang, and is first sent to get a haircut. He is then asked to distract the employee of a pizza restaurant, so that Ryder can rob him. The employee in this interaction is a white man who immediately responds to the robbery by drawing his own weapon. This seems to again, reinforce stereotypes of black criminality and white victimhood, “[creating] a world of “demons” and “angels” in which black and brown people are the demons and white people (and police officers) are the angels. This is inherently damaging given the game’s target audience.

Based on the many tropes that are used throughout the game, I am almost certain that the game is played by mostly middle-class white Americans. Best said by David J. Leonard, the game is a place “where White kids can fulfill their insatiable desires to become Black, [and] to experience the danger of “ghetto life” (Leonard 130). It allows them to play the role of a black person without ever taking on some of the responsibilities and consequences. (502 words)

Leonard, David J. “Grand Theft Auto V : Post-Racial Fantasies and Ferguson Realities” in From The Intersectional Internet: Race, Sex, Class, and Culture Online. Edited by Safiya Umoka Noble and Brendesha M. Tynes. New York, Peter Lang, 2016.

Online Dating

Online dating allows people to reach out to and communicate with people that they may not have otherwise encountered on social media or have approached in person. The online platform, and anonymity it provides, gives its users great confidence to say and do things that they would not normally do in person as they do not have to worry about actually seeing the person that they are interacting with. It gives people the same options available to anyone with  a social media account–you can make an honest profile, create an alternate persona using your own photos, or create a profile that does not feature you at all, but instead uses another person’s photos. All in all, these platforms allow you to be someone other than yourself. This feature is not inherently bad, but it has been abused to the point where it is bad, and now, potentially dangerous.

In my experience, online dating has just been a form of entertainment. While I have not made any meaningful relationships with anyone that I have came in contact with, I have friends who have.  For me, online dating has become a way for me to get to know myself, in a weird way. I have learned what types of pictures attract certain types of people (body vs. selfie), how my race and skin color is perceived by others, especially nonblack people, and how location affects the stigmas that people have about me. Being that I am obviously black, it has affected the way that I navigate the site. I typically like profiles belonging to people who look like me, but sometimes I branch out and like the profile of someone that I know I would never talk to in person.

A few years ago, I became very bored with the social scene at Williams, so I made a tinder profile in attempts to branch out. I messaged people from Vermont, New York, and Massachusetts. What I have noticed is that those who I have talked to from smaller, more rural areas, are more intrigued by my race than my personality. They are also more intrigued with the idea of being with me rather than dating or being with me, but that is to be expected as online dating has really turned into a tool for, simply, vetting potential hookups. I have had multiple white people address me by my skin color rather than my name, calling me things like “chocolate” or “brown skin.” I have also had these same people tell me that they were just wondering what it was like to be with a black girl. These surface level interactions are what ultimately made me decide to delete my profile.

Despite the bad interactions that I have had with people, I have also had great conversations with other people. Yet, I have not been able to allow myself to actually meet someone that I have met online, in person. This is mostly due to my fear of getting kidnapped or catfished, however, seeing my friends actually find love online has made me more open to the idea than I was when I first made my profile.

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