Taiwan Adventures – Week 8 (ICLP)

Goodness, we’ve reached the end.

The last ten days in Taiwan really were amazing, 給我留下很深的印象。I really am so grateful for this opportunity to go and explore and immerse myself within Taiwan and just truly learn. Other than packing and doing some last final exams, there wasn’t too much to report.

The last weekend, I unfortunately caught a cold and had a pretty bad fever, so I had spent the weekend just resting up and preparing for the long flight home. We did have an online final exam, but other than that, I really spent my time hanging out with the friends that I had made in the program. On Thursday night, a bunch of our friends went out for Tibetian food (it was my first time trying it, and it was really good!) Additionally, my housemate and I frequently visited this Shanghainese place to celebrate our milestones. I am really, really going to miss everyone.

Oh my goodness.. how could I forget about the earthquake(s)? On Thursday afternoon, my housemate and I were just chilling, when I suddenly felt the ground start shaking from the 5th floor. We were kind of freaked out, so we hid underneath a table. It turns out there had actually been an earthquake. It was very interesting to experience, as it’s been a really long time since I have felt an earthquake.

The last day was really melancholic. My classes played games, and did other cool activities including a really nice buffet! The day afterwards, my housemate, my other friend and I all split a taxi to get to Taoyuan Airport. I flew to Hong Kong for a couple days to visit family, and I just got back to the US (so I am extremely jet lag).

I hope I never forget this experience and how I’ve grown from it in more ways than one. Here we go! The final goodbye!


~ Heidi F

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