KCJS Modern Japanese, Week 2

Hello again everyone! So far it’s been yet another week of intensive studying during the week matched but also quite a lot of not-working during the weekends, which is a good balance. This week we finished an absurd amount of Genki, so they really didn’t lie when they said this was an intensive program! However, I feel that the studying quickly proved not as difficult after having had another week to adjust to it. Next week is our first test, which is quite stressful, but luckily I believe that by studying intensely all along I will make the tests not as difficult.

As for what happens outside of class, I made an effort to try and see more of the city by visiting its most famous shopping districts and markets, like Nishiki market and walking around Shijo-dori street. During this weekend, I made a visit to the Kyoto Aquarium, the Kyoto Railway Museum, and the temple on the top of Mt. Kurayama, all of which were quite beautiful, especially the temple! Traveling through thousands of years of Buddhist and railway history turned out to be a very interesting way to spend a day. Next weekend I plan on visiting another temple as learning more about religion in Japan is one of my main motivators for studying Japanese in the first place, along with hopefully finishing my planning to visit some more religious sites in Kobe during our course’s three-day-weekend. More next week!

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