HTA Taiwan – Week 8

Hi Everyone!

I almost forgot to write my 8th and final blog post of the summer (对不起)! I’ve been back in LA for about two weeks now getting used to the time change and preparing for my return to Williams. I thought I’d use this last post as a chance to reflect on my overall experience in Taiwan.

In general, I feel that this past summer in Taiwan as been absolutely wonderful. I feel as if I’ve not only learned so much about Taiwan’s history, language, and culture, but also so much about myself. Although classes were difficult and we had a lot of work to do, it’s been so great to see my skills in Mandarin improve. I had so much fun meeting so many different people (fellow peers, teachers, host family, other college students, locals, etc.). Also, I’ve made some really close friends that I know I will keep in touch with (and hopefully go back to visit and see in the future!)

For now, I have to focus on getting ready to arrive at Williams and focus on the semester ahead. I can’t wait to see everyone! (especially those I spent the summer with in Taiwan :)).


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