ICLP Week 9

This is my post for my ninth and final week doing ICLP’s summer semester. I wrapped up the semester with units on visiting the countryside, balancing work life with personal passions, and the Chinese idiom 杀鸡儆猴. Even though the final oral and written exams were finished by this point, I still had one last reading placement test and one final essay, both of which kept me focused through the week. By Thursday, I had the placement test and the essay finished, making for a relaxed finish to the semester. On Friday, all of the students gathered in ICLP’s conference room for a special lunch and closing ceremony. Shortly thereafter, I received my certificate of completion, did my last walk through the ICLP building, and headed to Taipei Paradise to prepare for my flight back to America.

Looking back on this summer, I’d say that I had an excellent study abroad experience, and I wouldn’t have traded it for anything else. Not only did I make a lot of progress with my second language, but I also had a lot of memorable experiences traveling, seeing, and eating new things! Even though it’s time for the semester to end and to head back home, I’m ultimately delighted that I had this opportunity, and I look forward to speaking more Mandarin and telling new stories when I get back home.

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