ICLP Week 5

This is my post for my fifth week of classes at ICLP. This week, I learned how to discuss plans to see a movie, trends in popular culture, and the Chinese idiom 投鼠忌器. Recently, I have been enjoying my Modern Chinese class – where I learned vocabulary pertaining to movies – because this class has allowed for the most discussion among students. I have lots of evidence that I can use Mandarin to express myself in a detailed or complex way, and most of it comes from my conversations in Modern Chinese. All four of my classes help me realize this, but thanks to my teacher in Modern Chinese who often invites students to ask each other questions, I often think of this class when it comes to seeing a satisfying result with my speaking and listening skill progress.


At the end of this week, 顾老师 invited several students to dinner at 東門餃子館 “Dongmen Dumpling Restaurant.” There, I and other Williams students ate various dishes, from dumplings to noodles to scallion pancakes, which were all delicious.

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