
這個星期比較簡單。因為每天得上課、做作業,周一到周五沒有很多時間去旅行什麽的。我開始下課以後去臺大的室内游泳池游泳。午飯和晚飯我常常跟我室友或新認識的同學一起吃飯。好像在我中華文化叢談課(TOCC)我們每個星期有演講,真的很多😭而且因為這個星期的演講老師不清楚我們是否需要完全背演講,所以我們都背了演講。幸虧由於每個星期背七百到一千個字演講的壓力實在太大了,所以我們不必每個星期背我們所寫的演講。這個周六ICLP安排了去基隆的旅游,所以我跟三十左右同學一起去基隆。我們爬山、吃午飯、去游泳,和逛夜市,都很好玩。因為一位老師給我們推薦熱狗的「 差不多先生」,所以車上都學習唱這首歌😂。

This week had a little less going on. Because of classes every day I don’t have as much time to travel during the week. I started swimming after classes, and for lunch I usually go with my roommates or classmates to eat lunch. It seems that we have a speech every week in TOCC, which is so much😭 and because our teacher wasn’t very clear about whether or not we need to memorize every speech, we all memorized this week’s speech. It turns out we don’t need to fully memorize each speech, which is good because memorizing a speech every week is really too much. For Saturday ICLP organized a trip to Keelung, so about 30 classmates went and hiked, ate lunch, swam, and went to a night market. Because one of our teachers recommended MC Hotdog’s “差不多先生” we were all singing it on the bus😂.

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