WHM Middlebury Week 6

Hey y’all,

This week our biggest event by far was the long-awaited karaoke party. In preparation for this event of grandiose proportions, each class prepared one song as a group that they would sing in front of the whole department. Our class sang キセキ by GReeeeN! And although it wasnt the song of my choosing, it was very fun. 

As well, during the party we were allowed to sign up for individual songs / duets / group songs as well. Elsie and I, along with a department friend, sang 踊り子 by Vaundy. It was very fun. My only problem with the event was that the professors all decided to not sing to give the students a chance to sing which in reality, I’d much rather have seen the professors sing. Oh well. 

This week we also had a volleyball match against the professors where it was students’ versus professors. I participated in the game and had fun; however, I was not expecting the professors to be as good as they were. They definitely gave us a run for our money. 

The last thing that happened this week of notability was that we took our final chapters test of the semester! YAY! These chapters were centered around Japanese traditional art which was a cool topic. We watched a bunch of different kabuki performances. 

Oh! We also had a video project! We were tasked to make an advice video for the students at Middlebury next year. I was a bit surprised that they chose video as the medium we did it in as video is not the most accessible medium of art I would argue, especially for older generations. However, in the end, most groups just did long takes so it was fine I guess. I used keying techniques for mine to have a conversation between three Will’s and it was very fun though lots of work.

Well that wraps up my Week 6 at Middlebury!

Yours truly,

Will McC

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