Princeton in Beijing Week 8 (Virtual)

Hello again!

This year’s PiB has officially ended!!! While I’m sad to no longer have the chance to see my lovely teachers and classmates anymore, I’m so excited to be able to sleep again!

This week, we talked about the Chinese credit system, big data, and we watched a movie called Dying to Survive. We ended the week on a high note with another three-hour exam, which wasn’t the most fun to sit through, but knowing it was the last exam I’d have to take for the program helped a lot!

Earlier today, we had our graduation ceremony, where we read some speeches and poems, and said farewell to our teachers and classmates. I’m truly gonna miss everyone I met in the program, and I really hope I get to meet them all in person some day!

That officially makes eight weeks of PiB! I’m so grateful I had this opportunity to study Mandarin with the Linen Grant. This was definitely the opportunity of a lifetime!

Until next time!

— Shayla (:

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