Princeton in Beijing Week 3 (Virtual)


Week 3 of Princeton in Beijing is done! This week, we learned about religion in China, China’s floating population, adoption in China, and cheap labor in China. I think the topics for this week were trickier than previous weeks—not only in complexity of the texts, but also in complexity of my opinions on these topics. I’ve also gotten back into watching Chinese TV shows, since all the language I’ve learned over the Summer so far has been pretty formal speech, and I want to work more on my colloquial communication.

For our speaker this week, Pulitzer Prize winner, Ian Johnson spoke to us about journalism in China, which I found super interesting, because we talked about one of his texts in class!

I’ve gotten used to the schedule and workload for 401, but we’re nearing the end of this “semester”, so I think things will only get more complex from here on out! Definitely excited for the challenge, though!

See you next week!

– Shayla James

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