KCJS Week 9 (2)

Something that I appreciated about the KCJS program is that there was only 2-3 first-year college students. Prior to the start of classes, I narrowly assumed that most people would be in a similar situation as me given that we were all studying the same material. However, I was amazed to see how most other people were in a much different part of life than I am, and it showed me how people who end up in one place don’t get there the same way or come from the same place. Aside from us 2-3 first-year college students, the rest of the participants were either upperclassmen or graduate students. One student had just graduated college and was going to work in Japan as a English Conversation Teacher for kids, another was looking at Japan’s graduate schools, another was there because they were half Japanese and wanted to be able to speak with their family; all from different places across the world, we were able to come together, have fun, and work hard to work towards our respective next steps. 


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