ICLP in Taiwan! [Trudy – Week 9]

Wow finally the last week of class! I can’t believe how quickly the summer went by! Definitely tired myself out quite a bit so I am feeling ready to go home, but I am also already scheming about how I can return to Taiwan in the future!

I had a few last meals with good friends, and also called my language partner for what I hope was not the last time! On the last day of class it was pretty sad of course, but people were already thinning out as a lot of folks start college classes right after ICLP ends (Williams starting so late was really nice for me haha). It was definitely hardest saying goodbye to my one on one teacher.

I sort of had to rush out on the last day because I had planned a weekend trip to Alishan (阿里山)with my friend Nicole. We took the Taitie down to Chiayi, not before I had the chance to panic when we couldn’t find each other and then couldn’t find the platform in the Minotaur’s Labyrinth that is Taipei Main Station (proceeded to get lost in there 2 more times in the subsequent few days, but now I think I get it….maybe?). It was really a 方寸大亂 moment. Anyways, we stayed at An Lan Jie Hostel in Chiayi (嘉義)and got up early to catch the 6 am bus to Alishan, another 2.5 hour bus ride from the city center. And a windy one too! I was very excited to pass by all kinds of plants, mist, mountain views, and of course Alishan Tea farms! Also had to close my eyes a bit too because even for someone who doesn’t tend to get car sick it was a bit rough.

We got there around 8, and started off on our adventure in the delightfully crisp 65 degree mountain air! We took the forest train and saw a bunch of the main attractions such as 神木, a 600+ year old Taiwanese Red Cyprus, 三代木 which are three trees that grew out of each other, and the sister lakes. Alishan was a big site for logging during the Japanese era hence the forest railway that leads up to it, but still has parts of old growth forests. I also convinced Nicole to hike further up on the Forest Recreation Area’s “most strenuous trail” and while we didn’t do the whole thing and I was mistaken about there being a good look out spot halfway down the trail, we still had a great time hiking it. Firstly, we had a rather magical experience with a handful of monkeys who were hanging out on a bridge leading to the trail. (Don’t worry, we approached carefully and let them move away before crossing!) Secondly, the trail was just so lush and beautiful, and followed just above winding train tracks. We definitely got our steps in that day!

After we got back, it was finally my last day in Taiwan. I spent it traipsing around the city running errands which actually was a great way to end my time here. I ended up revisiting or passing by a lot of places I’d been to throughout these past few months, and also had to use a lot of the skills I’ve learned like navigating all types of public transport from Youbikes to the metro to busses, and also because I had to look high and low for a way to mail a painting to Alison haha! I think I made stops at 5 different stores/businesses before succeeding lol. Of course I had to make a mandatory trip to buy fenglisu and sun cakes which resulted in another instance of getting lost in Taipei main station, sigh.

For my last night, I met up with a few remaining friends at Raohe night market, and we sat by the Keelung River to enjoy our food. Even though I got back way later than intended, I still had to go on one last quick bike ride and say goodbye to Gongguan River Front. Taipei’s river front bike/walking paths are truly unmatched!

Well, that’s all from me! I truly had an unforgettable experience this summer, and can say with certainty that I 滿載而歸!再見台灣,我快要回去!

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