


Anyways, it’s been another fun week here at ICLP! Last Friday, Trudy, our Huayu friend Margot, and I went out to Fúlóng (福隆) to go to the beach! We also stopped by a cat village, but because I’m allergic to cats, I was less enthusiastic about that trip (my allergies are very mild, so I survived). The beach was amazing! Being from San Diego, I’ve spent a good portion of my life at the beach and in the ocean, but Fulong was likely the best beach experience I’ve had in my life. Unlike San Diego, the water is not freezing cold, so being in the water was incredibly nice in Fulong. Additionally, the beach had Taiwan’s sand sculpture festival, which was very cool to see! We had a great time.

The rest of the weekend, not much occurred; I did finally get out to hike Xiangshan, finally; it was a much easier hike than anticipated, but the views from the top were incredibly pretty. I went with my NTU language partner, too, so I got a lot of practice conversing in Chinese.

In regards to ICLP, classes are still faring normally! I had my first 小考 the other day, and it went pretty well! This Thursday, too, we don’t have class due to midterm presentations (because I am only a level 3 student, I am not required to do one, unlike my fellow ICLP students from Williams), so that should be a nice break.

It’s crazy to think that there’s only a month left here in Taiwan, 時間真的過得很快!But I’m still very much enjoying my time here, and never running out of new things to do (I still haven’t made it to Shilin, or the giant ferris wheel, or seen the rest of the Palace Museum, and much more)!


As usual:

View of 101 from Xiangshan

Fulong sand sculpture; the theme was Pili, a Taiwanese glove puppetry TV show (yes, really)


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