世杰 – 6月25日


Today is Saturday, after the first week of ICLP! So far, the program has been quite fun. All of my professors are fantastic, and I’m getting to know a lot of my fellow students. Although classes are quite a lot of work, they generally follow the same learning structure and path as Williams, which means it hasn’t been too hard to adapt to classes.

Otherwise, the first week out of quarantine before classes was also fun! We went a ton of places in Taipei, as well as trekked out to Jiufen. The city is fantastic, and I’m very much enjoying being here (even with how hot it is). Everything seems to be made as efficient, clean, and convenient as possible, and it’s remarkable. My current obsession is that on almost every street corner, there are bikes to rent (for around US$0.15 per 30 minutes), with bike lanes built into the sidewalks as well.

Overall, very much enjoying my time in Taipei and in ICLP this first week! I’m looking forward to the rest of summer!

From left to right: Trudy, me, Alison, and Conner (a non-Eph) in Jiufen

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