Category Archives: Summer 2023

Summer 2023 Linen Fellow Experiences

Week 6: Jeju-Do

In some ways, my trip to Jeju-do was an unexpected plan that I added to my itinerary after visiting the Zainichi Exhibition in Seoul, Korea. It was through that visit that I learned of the impact that Zainichi Koreans left … Continue reading

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Week 5: Busan

Albeit, Busan isn’t as deeply involved in Zainichi Korean history. However, after understanding the significance of Japanese colonial rule of Korea within Korean history, I thought it would be important to visit Busan to further investigate how biases can show … Continue reading

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Week 4: Seoul

This is the week that caught me by the greatest surprise. When considering how Korean institutions convey the history of Japanese colonization and Zainichi Koreans, there are clear differences from American Institutions. This is undoubtedly inevitable as Korea is bound … Continue reading

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Week 3: Seoul

One thing that I found unique to Korea was the presence of outdoor markets, which are not something you frequently see in the United States. In some ways, it carries on the theme from the prior week of “a mix … Continue reading

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Week 2: Seoul

If I were to choose one phrase to describe my experience this week, I think “a mix of past and present” would perfectly encapsulate my experience. The ways in which Seoul encompasses both the traditional and modern aspects of its … Continue reading

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Week 1: Seoul

My first week in Korea focused on visiting and exploring the museums in the Jongno District, which is not only the center of Seoul but also a symbol of Korea’s history and culture. Throughout this week, I visited a variety … Continue reading

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Taiwan: week nine

As the ICLP summer program comes to a close, I’m certainly not ecstatic to be leaving Taiwan soon. Although I feel a little exhausted from the academic grind of the past eight weeks, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in … Continue reading

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Taiwan: Week eight

This week had the final oral and written exams, in which students had to answer questions about the content from all of their classes. I believe they all went well, although I’ll have to wait and see what my grades … Continue reading

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Taiwan: Week seven

This week we gave our midterm presentations. I practiced my presentation on the evolution of Chinese characters quite a bit, and I believe my presentation displayed that. Although it was certainly a big assignment, there is still lots of class … Continue reading

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Taiwan: Week five

Once again, I traveled outside Taipei for the weekend, going to a beach in the Wanli district. The beach, just as the waterfall did the week before, reminded me of how truly different Taiwan is from where I live in … Continue reading

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Taiwan: Week four

The trip to the waterfall this past weekend was a huge success, as we not only got to swim in and around the waterfall, but were also able to explore some of the rural areas around the waterfall before heading … Continue reading

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Taiwan: week three

We have now gotten completely settled in with our first full week of classes. Although the workload is certainly ramping up, my Chinese language skills are already showing marked improvements, and I’m excited to see how I can progress in … Continue reading

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一周以前我受到我叔叔的邀請。他差不多說了“你應該參加杜聰明的書揭幕式”。因為他的邀請用繁體字也寫的非常正式的我完全看不懂。我的老師不但幫了我懂了,而且他們也讓我蹺課。今天我從公館坐捷運到淡水,到了時候沒想到書揭幕式是那麼厲害。 這個書揭幕式是在“淡水國小忠孝樓穿堂” 差不多兩百人參加了。在此次活動當中,出席的有行政院院長陳建仁院士、文化部政務次長李靜慧、高雄醫學大學前校長、台灣藥理學會會長,以及立法委員範雲。我對台灣的政治,學術界不太清楚可是我還是覺得這個活動特別有意思。 如果你不認識杜聰明,我不怪你。他出生的一八九三年八月二十五日,死了一九八六年二月二十五日。杜聰明是臺灣“醫學界的先驅車,他作為臺灣第一位醫學博士和蛇毒研究的敬蒙大師,同時他也是臺灣的首位反毒專家,並且創立了毒癮尿液篩檢技術”。他也是我的親戚。 因爲台灣比較小和年輕的國家,這些台灣發展有關係的人特別重視。中學學生會用這本書學中文跟歷史,我也會!我覺得這本書發佈會非常巧。這個體驗真讓我很想學多中文。因爲這本書只用繁體字從來那個時候我想學繁體。好了,今天的故事就是這個。再見! 杜萬水,一一二年八月一日週二

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ICLP Week 8

大家好,hello everyone I think the Final Oral Exam went well. I still have some written final exams next week but it’s slowly dawning on me that after this summer, I won’t have Chinese classes everyday anymore (which was the case … Continue reading

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Week 7 ICLP

Hey everyone, Honestly, it’s been interesting taking classes online as opposed to being in-person. My classes everyday are at 5-6am and 7-8am because of the time zone difference and it has fully transformed me into a morning person and fixed … Continue reading

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Week 6 ICLP

Free and Easy Wandering: 逍遙遊 Story 1 I’ll admit, translating the Zhuangzi has not been easy by any measure. One difference from the Daodejing is that sometimes it’s not as intuitively clear what the author is getting at through a … Continue reading

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ICLP Week 9

This is my post for my ninth and final week doing ICLP’s summer semester. I wrapped up the semester with units on visiting the countryside, balancing work life with personal passions, and the Chinese idiom 杀鸡儆猴. Even though the final … Continue reading

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ICLP Week 8

This is my post for my eighth week of classes at ICLP. This week, I took the final writing exams for all of my classes. Starting Monday, 300-level students like myself took their exams in their Chinese Idioms, Contemporary Chinese, … Continue reading

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前天我的朋友给我们的LINE群发短信。他用英文说了“星期五我们会去市场买一些东西然后会去August的家做饭”。我是在台湾玩飞盘的时候认识这些人,我以前跟他们吃饭一次。虽然我跟他们认识还不到个星期呢,但是我感觉他们就像是我的老朋友。当时我好几天只睡觉三四个小时,可是我在我看来,我再忙也不能不跟朋友放松。 星期五来了的时候,我跟我的威廉好朋友雷利一起坐了捷运到中山。在August的家,我们一起做了饭、吃饭。很好玩!我想告诉你们August家的建筑是什么样的跟我们做的什么菜可是我的中文还没达到怎么告诉你们的水平。糟糕!她的家特别干净,比较打,她跟叔叔的家住在那里。我们吃完了以后雷利回了宿舍,他太累了。没有雷利一共是四个人,August,Merina,Damien,和我。August是一位台湾人但是她去了美国上大学,她的家人有一家纺织公司。Merina也是台湾人去了美国上大学,刚毕业了她只在台湾夏天的时候,她八月二日会来美国去芝加哥上班。Damien是从美国人,刚洛杉矶大学毕业了,他在台湾旅游跟看家人。我们继续说了到当夜四点四点左右,当时我就睡着了。我很感谢他们跟我聊天。 因为我和Damien两个都是从美国很著名的大学来的,August和Merina自然对我们的教育背景很有兴趣了。他们小的时候都上了补习班,在美国我们没上了,我们做了别的活动。我们发现美国比较价值一个人的活动,台湾文化比较价值成绩。因为是这样的,我觉得美国的孩子有比较多机会可以发现自己想当什么样的人、他们的长处、短处、等等。以前August和Merina都以为的美国人本来更聪明。但之后我觉得他们觉得就是美国的学校以外的活动机比较多。他们说了是因为我们的家可能买得起参加那么多活动。我还不知道怎么好回答。 开始的时候,我没想到我们有的家庭背景在许多方面是差不多一样。我们三四个小时聊天以后我们才变成了很舒服的。比如我跟August两个都认为与家人一同家的公司工作有一些困难。我们都已经开始我们大人的生活,这个夏天好像是他们第一次真正独立生活。因为August跟我都在我们家人的公司工作,所以我们可以互相讨论我们的体验。一方面家人觉得他们应该对孩子负责,另一方面我们要独立。虽然家人想支持亲戚,但因为父母没有现代帮助的工具,所以他们一边鼓励孩子跟他们一起工作,一边批评她没有能力可以上企业工作。因为父母对自己不满意也很希望孩子成功,他们的要求很高、这使亲戚跟公司的关系很难分开。August和父母之间产生了很大的矛盾。她告诉我们一个故事,她小的时候爸爸体罚了她。这让我们感动了很难过。但是她那么相信我们,可以当面讨论这个问题真的表现她自己很长大的。这很可怜,但没有办法。家人不知道别的做法帮助孩子。不管这个问题显得那么严重,我还是很乐观的,我们的年代不怕讨论这个问题。我知道这个问题不是四个人聊天就能解决的,可是我知道一步一个脚印。讨论这个话题可能是困难,可是在我看来,这个话题还是很值得讨论。 虽然我觉得我们的讨论很成功的,我还很好奇。我也觉得他们跟我们交流跟在他们的IG比较喜欢用他们的英文名字很有意思。我们是男生跟美国人对我们的讨论有了一定的影响,那个影响对我们的讨论内容什么变化?他们在美国上大学的体验有什么影响了?他们的父母的角度是什么?因为我们还是差不多陌生人这让讨论这个话题比较容易吗?再说August跟Merina的英文水平还不太好所以我们差不多只用了中文,我的不好的中文对我们的讨论什么影响?我知道这些问题没有人可以回答,可是我也觉得了解这个情况很重要。我希望我们通过了解别人的背我们的生活可以受到很大的改善。这个体验让我觉得那个“内为有别”的想法是不对。我很感谢那些台湾朋友,我向他们联系很多。今天是我的生日,我从来没有那么好的生日礼物。 杜萬水二零二三年七月二十九日周六 *這些朋友的名字不是他們真正的

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ICLP Week 7

This is my post for my seventh week of classes at ICLP. This week, I learned how to discuss the livelihood of farmers, shopping in a department store, and the Chinese idiom 如鱼得水. Additionally, at the end of the week, … Continue reading

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ICLP Week 6

This is my post for my sixth week of classes at ICLP. This week, I learned how to describe the weather and compare the weather patterns of different places, popular culture, and the Chinese idiom 骑虎难下. Something that I have … Continue reading

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ICLP Week 5

This is my post for my fifth week of classes at ICLP. This week, I learned how to discuss plans to see a movie, trends in popular culture, and the Chinese idiom 投鼠忌器. Recently, I have been enjoying my Modern … Continue reading

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ICLP Week 5

We’re going to be covering a lot of ground on the Zhuangzi these next six weeks. For a brief introduction to the Zhuangzi, it’s considered one of the most seminal texts of the Chinese tradition, and its imagination and mystic … Continue reading

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哈台班 – 第八周

几周之前,我的哈台班老师邀请我在毕业典礼代表三年级的学生,分享一些我们共同的经验和教训。为了总结我在哈台班的经历,这是我那一天说的: 老师们、朋友们,大家好!我是姜悦珉。我是哈台班三年级的学生。我非常荣幸有此次机会代表三年级的学生,分享这两个月的经历和体会。 首先,我想对我们的老师表达深深的感激之情。我们的进步和你们的努力是分不开的。 接下来,我想分享两个在这个夏天发生的小故事,以及我从中获得的教训。 其一是在生活中学习地道表达的重要性。来台北之前,我在中文课学到了一些传统的礼节。比如,吃饭的时候要先给你旁边的人夹菜,别人夸你的时候要表现得比较谦虚,说“没有没有”,尊称比你年长的人或者地位比你高的人为「您」。来台北之后,我把这些课上学到的内容运用到了许多场合,比如跟接待家庭交流或者在路上采访等等,课本里的内容似乎说得都没错。然而,并非所有的情况都是这样的。有一次跟台大学生聊天的时候,一位女生夸我,说「你眼睛的颜色很漂亮」,我马上按照课本上教的回答,说「你太客气了」。我感到非常高兴,因为我又一次运用到了中文课学过的知识,但是这一次,我高兴得太早了。她说「什么?是谁教你这么说的?这样的说法过时了!」我这才意识到原来中文课上学的不一定就是母语者最自然的表达方式。这个故事教会了我们什么呢?提高中文水平在追求流利、准确的同时,也必须主动学习母语者的地道表达,这一点万万不能忽视。 其二是眼见未必为2实。我们第一次复习考试之后,几个台大学生陪我们去观光。虽然那天下了大雨,但是我们都玩得很开心。我大概晚上六点才回到宿舍,我一拖下鞋子就看到我两只脚的颜色居然变成了蓝色。我马上就给约纳打了电话,请他帮助我。我担心我的脚的状况不太好,甚至有可能威胁生命。联络「International SOS」之后,我们去了急诊室。我们在「等报告」的时候,我的母亲发短信问我是否洗脚了?我想了一下,就去了洗手间,把脚放在洗手池里,洗了一下,我们发现让我的脚变蓝的并不是什么严重的病,而是我鞋子蓝色的染料!从另一个角度看,各种各样的因素都有可能误导我们,左右我们对事物的判断。比如,语言差异就容易造成人们交流时的误会。我希望我们能够靠自己的外语能力分辨真假,了解真相,同时,进一步理解各种文化的特点,感受各种文化的美好。 我希望在哈台班学习的这段时间,你们的脚都没变蓝,但与此同时,我知道我们大家都有一些共同的经历,这一切都让我收获了无价的友情。我们大家每天都起得很早,在路口等完六十秒的红灯后才能跑到下个路口。我们一边注意交通情况,避免被摩托车撞,一边看手机预习。回宿舍后,我们都在同样的那张薄薄的床垫上睡觉。还有,我们出去玩之前经常在小七进行「准备比赛」,然后第二天参加周六活动的早上就会感到非常后悔。总之,这八个星期以来,我们都拥有了一段非常特别的经历。没参加在哈台班的朋友也许不能完全理解,可是在座的同学一定都深有体会。 最后我想说,我觉得我们能聚在这里是命运的安排。俗话说得好,「有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢」,正是因为有缘,我们才能陪彼此走过这段难忘的日子。回国之后,我们很有可能不在同一个地方,彼此之间的联系不免会减少,尽管如此,我相信我们今年夏天的记忆和友情永远不会消失。我已经开始期待我们下次见面了。 这就是我要分享的,祝大家一路平安,工作、学习顺利!感谢你们!

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哈台班 – 第七周

HTA is quickly coming to a close! Before we return, everyone is trying to make the most of their time in Taipei. In order to help us close out the program, HTA teachers organized 台北之夜, a showcase of all HTA … Continue reading

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哈台班 – 第六周

On Sunday, our host family took us to 西门町 (Ximending). The first two characters originate from the neighborhood’s location near the West gate of the old  The architecture reflects Ximending’s importance as a center of Taipei’s LGBTQ+ community. As you … Continue reading

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哈台班 – 第五周

This week we embarked on our 社会调查, a 5-night social study trip. I luckily got my first choice and was off to southern Taiwan. After finishing our midterm exam on Wednesday morning, we celebrated with brunch at an American-style restaurant … Continue reading

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Week 4 ICLP

This was the last week studying the Daodejing. We read about 4-5 more passages to wrap things up. Laozi talks a lot about how we are so prideful and focus on making ourselves visible, we brag about our achievements and … Continue reading

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最後一個星期!真是捨不得離開。這個星期上課差不多是正常的。但在TOCC我的老師給我們選擇:可以繼續看課本或每天準備一個辯論的話題。我們選第二個,所以我們上課的時候用生詞、句型來説明我們對一個話題的意見。我覺得這個比較有意思,可以多瞭解我的同學,老師也可以多瞭解我們。這個星期也是最後一次的紅樓夢讀書會,雖然紅樓夢的中文對我來説還是太難了,但現在對這本書很有星期,有機會想要看。最後一天上課很輕鬆,跟老師、同學拍照也說再見。我單班課老師很可愛,最後一天一起一邊喝茶、吃太陽病,一邊聊天。回家之後跟室友們聊天、一起吃晚飯。因為聊的好長時間,我很晚才睡。周六是我最後一天,跟朋友們說再見,真讓我難過 🙁 希望以後還有機會見面!總的來説,我在台灣的經驗連十段話還不能説完,但玩的真開心。 Last week! It’s going to be really hard to leave Taiwan :(. This week of classes was pretty much normal. But in TOCC our teacher gave us the option to either continue with the textbook or choose … Continue reading

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只有兩個星期 🙁 時間過得真快。這個星期有很多筆試,但我覺得這些沒有口試那麽難。周五我們跟山姆吃完飯。他要當大學的中文教授!周六跟我室友一起吃肉串、玩桌游,我也出去跟台灣人玩桌游。這裏也幫助一為台灣人寫英文。周日是我室友的生日,所以室友們跟朋友一起去吃火鍋。火鍋之後跟大家回家聊天,玩得很開心。 We only have two weeks left 🙁 time really goes by so quickly. This week we had a lot of written tests, but in my opinion these weren’t as hard as the speaking test. On Friday we … Continue reading

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