Author Archives: Phoebe Pallesen

第七周,Phoebe Pallesen

I have just completed my penultimate week in Taipei, and I am, to be frank, not quite sure how to feel. The first few weeks felt very go-go-go, and I didn’t have very much time to process what I was … Continue reading

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第六周, Phoebe Pallesen

Week 6. It is absolutely insane to me that I only have two more weeks left. The days are long and the weeks are short — I suppose that is often how these things go. This week was a bit … Continue reading

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第五周,Phoebe Pallesen

Week 5. I cannot believe I am more than halfway done with HTA. The main task of this week has been compiling and editing my video from my social study trip. It is a ton of work, but I’m glad … Continue reading

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第四周, Phoebe Pallesen

Week 4 of HTA! Social Study Trips! This week, has been, the highlight of the program. On Tuesday, we woke up at 5am to begin our journey to Hualien — the train ride was startlingly beautiful. When we arrived, we … Continue reading

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第三周, Phoebe Pallesen

我不敢相信我已经来台北三个星期了!This past week was my favorite one so far, I think. I am starting to feel like I can actually communicate in Chinese — my friends and I are no longer simply making observations (i.e. “it is raining,” or “I … Continue reading

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第二周,Phoebe Pallesen

大家好!Another week has gone by in 台北!I am starting to get used to things here, I think. The heat no longer feels quite so unbearable and I am starting to sleep through the nights. Classes this week were good — … Continue reading

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第一周(Phoebe Pallesen, HTA)

大家好!我叫白扑惠(Phoebe Pallesen),我现在在哈台班学习中文。The first week here has been challenging, but also profoundly rewarding. The flight was long and tiring — I stepped out of the airport and immediately confronted the brutal Taipei heat and the sounds of 中文!The taxi ride into … Continue reading

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