Author Archives: Matt Kandel

Matt Kandel Blog 9

My time in Taiwan has finished up, and what an experience it was. My final week was fantastic, as I went out to some great restaurants with friends from abroad and Taiwan, and I finished up my last bit of … Continue reading

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Matt Kandel Blog 8

This week was finals week, and Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday all had some exams. The exams went well, and it was nice to see how far my Chinese has progressed, because most of the vocabulary words we were tested on … Continue reading

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Matt Kandel Blog 7

This past week was very fun, as I got the chance to go and explore some traditional Chinese clothing shops. I got to dry on tons of beautiful clothing, and eventually even bought a traditional Chinese shirt with beautiful ancient … Continue reading

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Matt Kandel Blog 6

This week we had our language mission day, where I attended a board games activity. It was super fun getting to spend a few hours playing board games and getting to learn some new niche vocab words. After our language … Continue reading

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Matt Kandel Blog 5

This week was the week of our midterm oral presentation. The first three days of the week flew by as we had normal classes, with some practice for the Friday speech mixed in. When Thursday rolled around, I got the … Continue reading

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Matt Kandel Blog 4

This week was especially strenuous, because I was playing in a tennis tournament here in Taipei. I had to wake up every morning at 7 to get the the courts, then played a match in 110 degrees at 9am, only … Continue reading

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Matt Kandel Blog 3

My third week was full of new experiences, including getting the chance to see Lingjiao waterfall, which is a small pool of crystal clear water at the bottom of a large waterfall, in the middle of the jungle. We swam … Continue reading

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Matt Kandel Blog 2

My second week in Taiwan I settled in, and moved into the middle of a night market, where I was able to constantly hear, see, and taste Taiwanese culture. I probably ate about 100 dumplings that week, and picked up … Continue reading

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Matt Kandel Blog 1

I have completed one week at ICLP, and the amount of Chinese is certainly a new experience for me. Everyday I take 4 hours worth of Chinese class, and follow that up with more on the street and all over … Continue reading

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