Naebang-gasa Project Week 5- Aug 11th:

This week I embarked on a trip to Andong, South Korea! Andong is the home of the Preservation Society for the Naebang-gasa. I didn’t go there with a strict plan in mind and it ended up working out because I called the number listed on the society’s website. The head of the center picked up and let me know that I could meet her a few hours later. At the center, the chairman, Sun-ja Lee, explained how she pioneered an initiative to collect all the documents that were sequestered inside generational homes, catalyzing much of the research surrounding the Naebang-gasa today. Toward the end of our conversation, she gave me one of two existing copies of a specially curated book about the Naebang-gasa because I was a foreign researcher of a subject that she dedicated her entire life to archiving. I cried on the spot.

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