世杰 – 8月7日 (covering previous week)


Because I forgot to write a post last week, and so my post for this week was going to be ridiculously long, I’ve decided to split it into two blog posts.

Last weekend, I suppose, my language partner and I went back to the Palace Museum, so I finished seeing the rest of that. There was an exhibit on the history of Taiwan in relation to colonization and interaction with the west that I found really interesting, and felt I learned a lot about the history of Taiwan. It’s really interesting to think of this island in the context of the rest of the world,  given how dependent on outside forces it’s been…

Speaking of, Nancy Pelosi came to town, which gripped the entire world for a little bit, but didn’t at all change life around here. Everyone was talking about it, and TV’s everywhere were showing information about the visit, which made it pretty cool to be here! A couple of ICLP students even went to the airport and to the Grand Hyatt (like 20 minutes away!) to try and catch a glimpse of the elusive octogenarian. Lots of people’s parents here were concerned as well, but overall I think coming to Taiwan was the right choice. It also enabled me to practice talking about lots of political issues using Chinese.

See y’all in my next post (which will also be for today!)


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